


Feature #1136

Updated by Stefan Eichert almost 5 years ago

 In view mode: display the respective unit (blue) and its subunits (green) (grey) e.g. place and all features of this place. Do not show superior unit e.g. do not show the place in the feature view.  
 Due to that too many markers can be hindering for orientation, it should be possible to switch the markers off. 

 In insert and edit mode: display the respective unit (blue) and its sibling units (green) (grey) e.g. grave grave/strat. unit (blue) and all other graves graves/strat. units of this place feature (grey). Do not show superior- or sub-units e.g. only show the selected grave and sibling graves.  

 However, show marker of superior unit to make it easier findable. 
 Due to that too many markers can be hindering for orientation, it should be possible to switch the markers off. 

 It seems that intermediate centerpoints are calculated on the fly. They should only be calculated if there is no point geometry. If there is point geometry no calculated centerpoint is needed. 

 Zoom (in view/edit/insert): Zoom to bounds of all units (recursive) of this place if zoom is < 22; Else zoom (18) to center of bounds  
