


External reference systems analysis » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Alexander Watzinger, 2024-07-12 11:41) → Revision 3/4 (Alexander Watzinger, 2024-07-12 11:53)

h1. External reference systems analysis 

 Here is an overview of used external reference systems, mainly to get an idea which systems are worth to look into (e.g. usage of the their API, if available). 

 h3. 2024 July 

 h4. MAMEMS/Approaching Byzantium 

 |_.Name                                |_.System                              |_.Count|_.Website URL                          |_.Resolver URL                              |_.Default    | 
 |ByzAD                                 |>.68     |                 |                                            |exact match| 
 |Diktyon Number 	                      |>.295    |          ||exact match| 
 |GeoNames                              |>.100    |              |                   | 
 |PLP                                   |>.236    |                                       |                                            |exact match| 
 |PmbZ                                  |>.6      |     |                                            |exact match| 
 |Prosopography of the Byzantine World|>.61     |         |                                            |exact match| 
 |Wikidata                              |>.306    |               | 	       |             | 

 h4. THANADOS (and others, e.g bITEM) 

 |_.Name                                |_.Count|_.Website URL                          |_.Resolver URL                              |_.Default    | 
 |AMA number                            |>.2,457|                                       |                                            |exact match| 
 |ArchWort                              |>.4      |           |        |exact match| 
 |GeoNames                              |>.821    |              |                   |close match| 
 |Getty AAT                             |>.341    |            |            |exact match| 
 |GND                                   |>.31     |                   |                      |exact match| 
 |                       |>.9      |           |                |exact match| 
 |NHMW Inv. No.                         |>.26     |                                       |                                            |exact match| 
 |NHMW Prae Inventory No.               |>.3,569|                                       |                                            |exact match| 
 |PeriodO                               |>.38     |                    |                  |exact match| 
 |WHO ICD 10                            |>.48     |||exact match| 
 |Wikidata                              |>.1,020|               |            |exact match|