Meeting 2021-07-08¶
Participants: Alexander Watzinger, Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz, Dalibor Pančić
Kickoff meeting for testing and adapting OpenAtlas to be deployed with Kubernetes too (#1542).
- Introduction
- Time schedule -> if possible it would be great to use Kubernetes deployment for 2 upcoming cooperations, e.g. INDIGO will start September 2021
- In the beginning we will use the feature_kubernetes branch, forked from develop
- Deploying a test instance on
- Once running we can turn it into a "real" demo version
- Look into the version update process and make adaptions if necessary
- When everything works out we can think about merging it to the main but have to be careful not to interfere with existing productive systems
- Deploy new cooperation instances on Kubernetes at ACDH-CH (e.g. INDIGO)
- Move ACDH-CH cooperation instances from CRAWS to ACDH-CH servers
- We managed to deploy a fresh install
- Next steps will be deploying a demo version and testing upgrades
Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 3 years ago · 4 revisions