INDIGO Meeting 2022-03-01¶
Updated information in the course of the meeting is in color. Every participant is invited to add and adapt.
- OpenAtlas: Alexander Watzinger, Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz, Nina Richards, Stefan Eichert
- INDIGO: Jona Schlegel
This meeting was about CIDOC CRM, SKOS and OpenAtlas, other issues that were discussed:
- Feature request for Composition of Artifacts #1647
- Feature request for Spatial relation between two artifacts #1648
- How to add external reference systems -> shown in application
- How to display more information about CIDOC CRM -> shown in application
- How to proceed with vocabularies -> there will be an INDIGO/ARCHE meeting on Thursday about that
- A clean setup of the INDIGO database is needed -> we will do this the next day and try to provide a human readable extract of vocabularies already entered there before
Updated by Alexander Watzinger almost 3 years ago · 5 revisions