Developers meeting 2022-10-05¶
Updated information in the course of the meeting is in color. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt.
- Andreas Olschnögger
- Alexander Watzinger
- Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
- Christoph Hoffmann
- Moritz Großfurtner
- Nina Richards
- Silvia Gómez Senovilla
- Stefan Eichert
- Welcome Mocca and Silvia
- Protocol (maybe Nina the Wiki site and Bernhard creating tickets?) (we agreed on doing it that way)
- Less but longer develop meetings (2 hours every other month), more specific smaller develop sessions
- Schedule new OpenAtlas developer meeting in early December (we agreed on Tuesday, 6th of December, Alex will send out an email to everyone in the next days, draft: Developer meeting)
- New contracts
- Mocca on team page -> #1829
- Any issues/problems that we should take care of? -> Apparently none, which is good to know
- New OpenAtlas t-shirts over Andi contact? -> yes, see #1830
- Plan 7.7.0 release -> earliest on 15th of October
- #1587 Link artifacts and human remains to places directly (takes longer) Stefan: does this interfere with the planned feature to add more E22 to an instance of E22 (ticket #1647)? Alex thinks it does not interfere but is the first step in two steps with the artifacts being composed of other artifacts (ticket #1647) as the first ticket is urgent and needed by several projects; this will include to re-style the user interface
- #1400: Make specific types required at data entry (can we move it to next version?) -> it's fine for Stefan to move it to the next release (7.8.0)
- #1701: manual API docu will be moved to version 7.8.0 as well
Cooperations update¶
- bITEM - new cooperation starting November -> Stefan gave a short introduction and said there will be a meeting scheduled soon
- INDIGO - sample data arrived -> ARCHE team will contact us as soon as we can begin connecting our systems
- SHAHI - feature deadline at the end of October
- Approaching Byzantium - running fine
- MAMEMS - running fine
- Future cooperations
- 2 proposals submitted, results at begin of 2023
- 2 in evaluation/preparation
- Multiple new requests just in last weeks
Upcoming events¶
- 2022-10-12 MAMEMS workshop at JGU, Germany/Mainz
- 2022-10-14 INDIGO status quo
- Bernhard and Nina will be present and present (10 min, OpenAtlas features for INDIGO)
- Nina will add information to the event site of the OpenAtlas website
- 2022-10-25 OpenAtlas research lunch at ACDH-CH, Vienna
- Nina, Bernhard, Andi and Alex will present, each about 10 minutes Alex: general introduction, Bernhard: API, Andi: Frontend, Nina: THANADOS/anthrop. features
- Who takes care of joined presentation slides? Nina will create a Google doc and will invite everyone to add slides (#1832)
- As location we try social room at kitchen;
- Maybe prepare/buy some food; Nina can bake something - a savory and a sweet version
- 2023-07-10 -> 14. DH 2023 (Graz),
- Who wants to join? every team member should be co-authors but not everyone should join; Alex Bernhard and Nina would go in person
- Who writes submission? Nina will come up with a draft, Alex will let Matej know and asks if it works for the ACDH-CH in that way
New general presentation site¶
- Andi was announced head of the frontend committee
- Schedule meeting Alex, Christoph, Andi, Mokka, and possibly Bernhard wants to join, others are welcome to join spontaneously; date: 19th of October, 13.00
- Keep OpenAtlasDiscovery or come up with a new name? -> we agreed on keeping the name
- Which technologies
- Nuxt3 RC
- Composition API vs Options API
- Language: Typescript
- UI: Vuetify Beta
- Store: Pinia
- Content: Content v2 Sounds great to everyone and will be discussed in detail in the frontend meeting
- API: Swagger
- SSG: Gridsome or nuxt generate
- Nuxt3 RC
- Keep API 0.2 until the new presentation site or drop it before and adapt existing general frontend? Stefan mentioned switching the API main format from Linked Places Format (LPF) to Linked Arts (LOUD), this should be considered when setting up the new frontend; Christoph offered to switch the current frontend to 0.3 API, so 0.2 can be removed from OpenAtlas. Bernhard mentioned providing LPF, LOUD as well as a simple GeoJSON via the API while Stefan mentioned that Linked Arts is much better suited for actor relations etc. while LPF is mainly suited for places; Problem brought up by Christoph: Linked Arts, even though very nice, does not have a stable version yet, as far as he knows
- Conclusion: the existing frontends should be switched to API 0.3 (#1833), so the API version 0.2 can be dropped; but when creating a new frontend from scratch, it should be considered to switch from LPF to Linked Arts - Stefan and Bernhard will have a look at it together to solve existing problems, and it could be used for a new API version and the new frontends (for that it should be implemented as soon as possible and before work is put into developing the new frontend - work on it will start after the frontend meeting on the 19th of October)
Issues to discuss¶
- Why do we have an option for persons that were moved (instead of participated)? Maybe remove it to avoid confusion? There was a misunderstanding; a person is moved by a moving; event even though it was their own decision to move (took the journey willingly); Stefan: but range of P25 is not group as the scope only is physical objects (in this case biological object) but groups are a legal body and can't be moved by a move event; adding another actor to the event is possible e.g. as initiator; Alex: but as groups can't be added via the actor selection in the event tab, maybe it would make sense to remove it; as it is important for bITEM, Georg Brusecker should be contacted on the matter and see what he thinks; no matter what, the way it was explained to cooperation partners so far was not correct (#1834)
- #1750 Linking movements with line objects, e.g. roads
- #1770 API: using see above
Updated by Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz almost 2 years ago · 43 revisions