



Meeting 2024-04-30 » History » Revision 5

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Alexander Watzinger, 2024-04-25 11:28

OpenAtlas-Discovery API Meeting 2024-04

Updated information in the course of the meeting is in color. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt.

The meeting will be about the presentation site and the API used to retrieve the relevant information.


  • OpenAtlas: Olivia Reichl, Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz, Moritz Großfurtner


  • Can the types hierarchy be delivered with each step as JSON Object consisting of ID and Label for better navigation?
  • Get array of possible RelationTypes, as well as corresponding Description/Loclae Strings via api?
  • New format just to load overview tables faster? (Bernhard)
  • Weekly plan till end of June with focus on Bernhard only being available till end of May. One aspect would be to see what's possible in that time frame and also to have some measurable milestones to monitor the progress and adapt if necessary. (Alex)

Topics raised in the meeting

Updated by Alexander Watzinger 5 months ago · 5 revisions

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