


Meeting 2024-09-03 » History » Version 21

Alexander Watzinger, 2024-09-04 13:04

1 1 Alexander Watzinger
h1. Developer Meeting 2024-09-03, 15:00
3 3 Alexander Watzinger
Location: ACDH-CH, Bäckerstraße 13, 3D (the big one next to the kitchen in 3nd floor)
4 1 Alexander Watzinger
Updated information in the course of the meeting is %{color:green}in color% and/or marked with an ✅. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt.
h2. Participants
* Alexander Watzinger
* Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
* Massimiliano Carloni
* Nina Richards
* Olivia Reichl (moderator)
* Stefan Eichert
h2. Administrative
17 20 Alexander Watzinger
* Feedback round ✅
18 21 Alexander Watzinger
* Schedule next developer meeting, who moderates? %{color:green}-> 9. October (Bernhard moderates), 4. Dezember (Alex moderates)%
19 20 Alexander Watzinger
* #2311 T-shirts %{color:green}-> Nina kindly offered to keep track of it%
20 1 Alexander Watzinger
21 18 Alexander Watzinger
h2. Plan new features
22 1 Alexander Watzinger
23 19 Alexander Watzinger
We won't have time to discuss these in depth. It will be more about status updates and scheduling kickoff meetings.
24 18 Alexander Watzinger
25 2 Alexander Watzinger
* #2332 Persistent presentation site URLs
26 1 Alexander Watzinger
** We absolutely need persistent links for frontends which can be used for e.g. publications or as reference system links by other applications
27 17 Alexander Watzinger
** These links should still work even after making sites static
28 21 Alexander Watzinger
** %{color:green}As discussed we will use /entity/<id> as permalinks and will label/show it at the detail view accordingly%
29 17 Alexander Watzinger
* #2079 Text annotation
** Take a look at the [[Text_annotation|draft]]
31 8 Alexander Watzinger
** Maybe Christoph can provide support for the frontend part?
32 21 Alexander Watzinger
** %{color:green}-> When Christoph returns we schedule a meeting for the frontend part, Alex and Bernhard will take care of the backend part.%
33 1 Alexander Watzinger
* #2319 OpenAtlas and APIS interface
** Make a first version draft
35 8 Alexander Watzinger
** Plan kickoff meeting with APIS developers
36 21 Alexander Watzinger
** %{color:green}-> Bernhard will organize a kickoff meeting together with the APIS team%
37 8 Alexander Watzinger
* #2300 Load form tables dynamically
38 17 Alexander Watzinger
** Important to solve performance issues with bigger data sets
39 21 Alexander Watzinger
** %{color:green}-> Bernhard will take a look at it, Olivia will support with the JavaScript table part%
40 17 Alexander Watzinger
* #2170: Tags on project site
41 14 Alexander Watzinger
** Olivia + Nina?
42 21 Alexander Watzinger
** %{color:green}-> Olivia and Nina will take of the tags for the project page and will make other minor adaptions while at it%
43 1 Alexander Watzinger
h2. Topics
45 14 Alexander Watzinger
46 21 Alexander Watzinger
* [[Meeting_2024-07-16|Result]] of first usability research interview ✅
47 15 Alexander Watzinger
* #2323 Improved start page
48 21 Alexander Watzinger
  %{color:green}-> Has no high priority but everyone is invited to make suggestions%
49 18 Alexander Watzinger
* #2156 Change end data functionality: worth the effort?
50 21 Alexander Watzinger
  %{color:green}-> No additional reasons (except that it would feel more correct) that would justify the effort were provided. Instead a new idea was proposed which should be tracked in an new issue.%
51 1 Alexander Watzinger
* #1925: Multi language support for data entering - model solution for description needed
52 21 Alexander Watzinger
  %{color:green}-> The newest proposed CIDOC CRM solution was deemed to be too insufficient for description translations by Stefan%
53 2 Alexander Watzinger
* Move: confusing adding of persons/groups to move events (again)
54 21 Alexander Watzinger
  %{color:green}-> No progress was made with this topic%