



OpenAtlas poster

These are the archived notes for the OpenAtlas poster implemented by our graphic designer Jan (#2015).


  • Audience: Interested scientists from the Humanities (and beyond)
  • Usage: conferences, presentations, our office, ...
  • Date: 2023-06-14 for INDIGO workshop would be nice, 2023-06-26 would be deadline to submit for printing at the DH at 2023-07-10
  • Printing: 10 or 12 at the first run, Jan will kindly take care of this too


For inspiration you can take a look at the poster from Nina


  • Font Poppins
  • Poster size A0 (90x120 cm)
  • Use OpenAtlas site design as inspiration (e.g. "coorporate design") and/or adapt OpenAtlas site as well

Core features draft

There should be 3 to 5 sections about important core features. We first collect these (feel free to add) and weight, refine content, ... them later.
Newest strategy would be to use attributes, see below

  • Image: Model graphic (ṕng, odg), but only a smaller selection so that it is still readable
  • Text
    The data model specifies the structure in which the information is stored within the database.
    The use of an ontology, for example, allows the data to be combined more easily with information
    from other projects and is consistent with the FAIR principles. The OpenAtlas Model is based on
    the international standard of CIDOC CRM, an ontology widely used within the field of humanities.
  • Image: a map with markers from one project (e.g. demo places) or a map with grave outlines e.g. a search result at
  • Text
    Places with known location can be entered into an interactive map based on Leaflet, which features different view layers,
    allows for zooming, fullscreen mode, clustering, searching and much more. PostGIS is used for creating and manipulating spatial data.
    Therefore, it is possible to enter location as needed as multiple points, lines, areas and shapes.
Actor network
  • Image: network view
  • Text
    Person and Groups with their biographical information can be connected with different properties and in hierarchically order, forming a complex network of actors.
    Actors can act through different kinds of events (e.g. Activity, Production, Acquisition, ...) forming their life story and how they are connected to other Actors and also Places and Artifacts. 
  • Images: logos from used software, GeoNames, Wikidata, Vocabs, ...
  • Text keywords
    • Only standard open source software
    • API
    • Import, export
    • LOD ready
Feature rich

Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 1 year ago · 41 revisions

Also available in: PDF HTML TXT