Feature #1790
closedMap: make intersecting polygons selectable
Additional feature to select map polygons in case they overlap.
Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 2 years ago
@Stefan Eichert: you already have something like this implemented in THANADOS. Can you give us any pointers?
Updated by Stefan Eichert about 2 years ago
//**select overlapping polygons on click**//
function polygonSelect() {
//define layergroup for selected polygons
selectedpolys = new L.LayerGroup();
//layergroup for highlighting on popup hover
hoverPolys = new L.LayerGroup();
//define invisible marker
invisIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: '/static/images/icons/burial.png',
iconSize: [1, 1] // size of the icon
//function to get coordinates of clicked position and loop through polygons for matches
map.on('click', function (e) {
//set invisible marker and remove invisible marker and popupconent if exists
if (typeof (newMarker) !== 'undefined') {
popupContent = '';
newMarker = new L.marker(e.latlng, {icon: invisIcon}); //global to have it for further use
//clear previous polygons
selectedIDs = [];
//loop through polygons and set matches
var polys = L.geoJSON(mypolyjson, {
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
isMarkerInsidePolygon(newMarker, layer)
//set popup content to matching polygons for invisible marker
if (selectedIDs.length !== 0) {
if (typeof (oldcollapsediv) !== 'undefined') {
$('#collapseg' + oldcollapsediv).collapse('hide');
var down = ($('#btn' + oldcollapsediv).hasClass("fa-chevron-down"));
if (down)
$('#btn' + oldcollapsediv).removeClass('fa-chevron-down').addClass('fa-chevron-right');
//check if marker is inside polygon and return values
function isMarkerInsidePolygon(checkmarker, poly) {
if (poly.feature.geometry.type === "Polygon") {
var inside = false;
var x = checkmarker.getLatLng().lat, y = checkmarker.getLatLng().lng; //uses the global
for (var ii = 0; ii < poly.getLatLngs().length; ii++) {
var polyPoints = poly.getLatLngs()[ii];
for (var i = 0, j = polyPoints.length - 1; i < polyPoints.length; j = i++) {
var xi = polyPoints[i].lat, yi = polyPoints[i].lng;
var xj = polyPoints[j].lat, yj = polyPoints[j].lng;
var intersect = ((yi > y) != (yj > y))
&& (x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi);
if (intersect)
inside = !inside;
if (inside) {
var mypopupLine =
JSON.parse('{"id":"' + poly.feature.id + '"' +
', "name":"' + poly.feature.properties.name + '"' +
', "type":"' + poly.feature.properties.maintype.name + '"}');
var popupLine =
'<a id="' + poly.feature.id + '"' +
' onclick="modalset(this.id)" ' +
' onmouseout="hoverPolys.clearLayers()"' +
' onmouseover="HoverId = this.id; hoverPoly()"' +
' href="#"><p><b>' + poly.feature.properties.name + ' </b>' +
'(' + poly.feature.properties.maintype.name + ')</p></a>';
popupContent += popupLine;
var selectedpoly = L.polygon(polyPoints, SelectionStyle);
return inside;
//add the respective polygon if hovered over popup link
function hoverPoly() {
hoverGraves = L.geoJSON(mypolyjson, {
filter: hoverFilter,
style: HoverStyle
//filter to check whether it is the matching polygon
function hoverFilter(feature) {
if (feature.id == HoverId) {
return true
Updated by Andreas Olschnögger about 2 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Andreas Olschnögger to Alexander Watzinger
Now when clicking on overlapping polygons a pop up will open that lists all of these polygons.
For these changes an update of the frontend libraries is necessary.
@ @Alexander Watzinger please update the translation for the pop up text that is located in static/js/map/map.js on line 388
Changes are currently on the feature_map_intersecting_polygons branch.
Updated by Andreas Olschnögger about 2 years ago
- Target version changed from 7.10.0 to 7.7.0
Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from Alexander Watzinger to Andreas Olschnögger
Do I understand correctly? This feature is finished and I can merge it to develop but have to add in the upgrade notes that the frontend libraries have to be updated, e.g. like
$ cd openatlas/static $ pip3 install -e ./ $ ~/.local/bin/calmjs npm --install openatlas
About the translations, I do this shortly before the release for everything at once. Only thing you have to do in this (JavaScript) case is to add it to the array at the top of templates/map.html with the typical _('') writing style so that it can be picked up automatically by the translation program. I did this for you in this case, see: https://github.com/craws/OpenAtlas/commit/526c55006a03ff92e66f0e4d92319f8d69ccc0dc
That said, if you are saying it is ready to release please add a note and assign this issue back to me, thank you.
Updated by Andreas Olschnögger about 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from Andreas Olschnögger to Alexander Watzinger
Do I understand correctly? This feature is finished and I can merge it to develop but have to add in the upgrade notes that the frontend libraries have to be updated, e.g. like...
Yes exactly. It might be also good to note that you have to delete the openatlas/static/package.js file before running the calmjs command, otherwise you will get an error that states that this file already exits und the updates cannot be made. (This file will be created automatically)
About the translations, I do this shortly before the release for everything at once. Only thing you have to do in this (JavaScript) case is to add it to the array at the top of templates/map.html with the typical _('') writing style so that it can be picked up automatically by the translation program. I did this for you in this case, see: https://github.com/craws/OpenAtlas/commit/526c55006a03ff92e66f0e4d92319f8d69ccc0dc
Thanks i will do so the next time
Updated by Alexander Watzinger about 2 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- Assignee changed from Alexander Watzinger to Andreas Olschnögger
Is already in develop, update install notes updated, feature branch removed online and translations will be finished before release.
Thanks again for another great user interface improvement!