



Feature #1808


Additional static content

Added by Andreas Olschnögger almost 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Estimated time:


Under “Shahi Kingdoms Database” header and description (and above the “explore map” and “enter database” buttons), add:
  • For more information and current activities, visit the project page:
Bottom of page, add Shahi team as contact (in addition to ACDH-CH):
  • FWF Shahi Project Team Vienna, Garnisongasse 13, Univeritätscampus Hof 9, 1090 Vienna, T: +43-1-4277-42323 Shahi FWF Project Team Vienna
Impressum/Imprint – add the following:
  • FWF Stand-alone Project P-31246 “Cultural Formation and Transformation: Shahi Art and Architecture from Afghanistan to the West Tibetan Frontier at the Dawn of the Islamic Era” (2018-2022)
  • FWF Stand-alone Digital Publication Grant PUD 26-G “Shahi Kingdoms Digital Publication and Research Platform” (2021-2024)
  • Holzhausen-Legat Grant “Creating a Digital Research Platform: Primary Source Material for the Shahi Kingdoms” (2021)
  • Austrian Academy of Sciences


mockup1.jpg (755 KB) mockup1.jpg Andreas Olschnögger, 2022-12-01 12:30
mockup2.png (826 KB) mockup2.png Andreas Olschnögger, 2022-12-01 12:30
Actions #1

Updated by Andreas Olschnögger almost 2 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Andreas Olschnögger to Natasha Kimmet

Impressum/Imprint – add the following:

  • FWF Stand-alone Project P-31246 “Cultural Formation and Transformation: Shahi Art and Architecture from Afghanistan to the West Tibetan Frontier at the Dawn of the Islamic Era” (2018-2022)
  • FWF Stand-alone Digital Publication Grant PUD 26-G “Shahi Kingdoms Digital Publication and Research Platform” (2021-2024)
  • Holzhausen-Legat Grant “Creating a Digital Research Platform: Primary Source Material for the Shahi Kingdoms” (2021)
  • Austrian Academy of Sciences

I wanted to ask where exactly these additions should be made in the imprint.
Please provide a description or a screenshot with comments so I can place the text correctly and reassign the ticket to me.

Actions #2

Updated by Gosia Lenko almost 2 years ago

Dear all,

last week I had a chance to briefly look at the front end with Prof. Klimburg. She was very happy with what happened until now.

She loved the page with the rhyton image and database description. She thinks this should become our starting/homepage – we should get rid of the chaotic entry page where the short description, manuscript image and the map are overlaying each other.

Please note – the font and/or font size/spacing is still not unified within the description / categories of authenticity.

Re: Imprint information

Please add this information to the bottom part / grey field under contact (now incl. only ACDH contact information).

Could we divide this grey filed in three parts (now 2)?
First should include the project information as follows.
Second (ACDH contact etc.) and third (logos) should stay as they are.

To be added to the first field (just under contact):

Shahi Kingdoms Project

FWF Stand-alone Project P-31246 “Cultural Formation and Transformation: Shahi Art and Architecture from Afghanistan to the West Tibetan Frontier at the Dawn of the Islamic Era” (2018-2022)
FWF Stand-alone Digital Publication Grant PUD 26-G “Shahi Kingdoms Digital Publication and Research Platform” (2021-2024)
Holzhausen-Legat Grant “Creating a Digital Research Platform: Primary Source Material for the Shahi Kingdoms” (2021)

University of Vienna / Universität Wien
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Garnisongasse 13, Universitätscampus Hof 9, 1090 Wien

Shahi Project Team (link here to the project team tab)
(Within the tab, please add email addresses for each person from the following list under their post addresses)

Email addresses, to be added to the project team list:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Deborah Klimburg-Salter -
HR Doz. Dr. Michael Alram -
Doz. Mag. Dr. Klaus Vondrovec -
Dr. Natasha Kimmet -
Mag.phil. Gosia Lenko -

I hope this is not confusing – please let us know if anything is unclear.

Actions #3

Updated by Gosia Lenko almost 2 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Natasha Kimmet to Andreas Olschnögger
Actions #4

Updated by Andreas Olschnögger almost 2 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Andreas Olschnögger to Gosia Lenko

I have now updated the footer und unified font sizing.
Please have a look and let me know if there is something that needs to be changed.

Actions #5

Updated by Gosia Lenko over 1 year ago

  • Assignee changed from Gosia Lenko to Andreas Olschnögger

Dear all,

once again I had a chance to look at our work together with Prof. Klimburg - in general, she is quite happy with the results and would like to put the site online very soon (beginning of next week if possible)

Before that she would request few changes to the homepage - in her opinion the project itself (not only the database) must be „more visible”. Therefor, we would ask you to make following changes.

Upper grey bar with the rhyton images:

- First the whole project title should be included - it should be recognizable as the main title:
Cultural Formation and Transformation:
Shahi Art and Architecture from Afghanistan to the West Tibetan Frontier at the Dawn of the Islamic Era

- Prof. Klimburg thinks that the options on the right (Map, Sourcebook, project team, etc.) are not visible enough. She wasn’t able to locate them at the first glance. Therefore, they should become „buttons” under the project title (similar to „explore the map” and „search the database”) - I guess a line of buttons under the project title would be the best solution, but we are open for creativity and recommendations.

- This all should be followed by the Shahi Kingdoms Database header with the two existing buttons.

- The description underneath the upper grey bar should start with the project description from the homepage of the Shahi project and be follow by what we have now.

There are also other small but important corrections:

- The bar with different record types should say „information carrier” (now it’s carries)
- Within the bottom grey bar, under FWF Shahi Project Team Vienna - please remove the phone number adding the project website instead
- There is a small mistake in the description ot the database (homepage):
1.b. Stationary objects - should be followed by 3 bullet points (now there are 5):
  • cult object,
  • architectural element,
  • architectural decoration - this should include "clay-based sculpture" and "painting" -- in parentheses or as sub bullet points

I hope this was clear, let me know if you should have any questions.


Updated by Andreas Olschnögger over 1 year ago

Thanks for the input.
I am still not quite sure how the header section of the page has to look now. Should "Shahi Kingdoms Database" be replaced by the whole project title or should the project title be displayed above the grey header section with the rython images (hero section).

I have added two example images. In mockup 1 the project text is displayed above the hero section. I would generally advise against this variant, since the hero section should be displayed as the main focus. Therefore I would rather advise to use Mockup2, where the new features are implemented in the hero section.

Please let me know if I have misunderstood something and for which variant you decide.
note that the images are only mockups.

Actions #7

Updated by Andreas Olschnögger over 1 year ago

And I have an additional question about description

- The description underneath the upper grey bar should start with the project description from the homepage of the Shahi project and be follow by what we have now.

is it the whole text of the page or only the first paragraph for example?

Actions #8

Updated by Gosia Lenko over 1 year ago

Dear Andreas,

I'm sorry for the late response.

You did not misunderstood anything. Mock up 2 is exactly what Prof. Klimburg asked for.

Re: your question - yes, the whole text should be included. Followed by the text which is included now.

I also noticed a mistake in the text

Under 1b Stationary structures > the last two bullet points (clay based and painting) are not own subcategories but subcategories of architectural decoration, so it should be (same as here

(1) Archaeological sites

1.a. Stationary structures

- constructed

- rock-carved

1.b. Stationary objects

- cult objects;

- architectural elements;

- architectural decoration (clay-based; painting)

Thank you!

Actions #9

Updated by Gosia Lenko over 1 year ago

  • Assignee changed from Gosia Lenko to Andreas Olschnögger

Gosia Lenko wrote:

Please also do not forget the small but important corrections mentioned already:

- The bar with different record types should say „information carrier” (now it’s carries)
- Within the bottom grey bar, under FWF Shahi Project Team Vienna - please remove the phone number adding the project website instead and email adress
- This small mistake in the description of the database

Actions #10

Updated by Gosia Lenko over 1 year ago

There would be also another very minor change, which I guess does not cause a lot of work - Prof. Klimburg doesn't like the name "Gallery" as one of the viewing options, she would like it to be called "Image gallery".
Thank you!

Actions #11

Updated by Andreas Olschnögger over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from Andreas Olschnögger to Gosia Lenko

I've updated the website and the changes are now visible. (
Please have a look and close the ticket if it is fine to you.

Actions #12

Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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