Feature #1812
closedChecking our project website
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Added by Alexander Watzinger over 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.
You can add feedback here as notes, if you like
Alexander Watzinger wrote:
Checking and proofreading our website at
Silvia Gomez Senovilla wrote:
The following sentence at Anthropological analyse tools allow to enter data that derived from analyses on human remains has a typo on analyse ? Should it be either Anthropological analysis tool or as Anthropological analyses tools ?
Flask is a micro web framework, written in Python, with the ability toscale up to complex applications should say to scale .Also in Leaflet is a open source JavaScript library used to build web mapping applications should say an open source .
Thanks a lot Silvia for the input. Please let us know when you are finished with proof reading, we will than make the changes together.
Alexander Watzinger wrote:
Thanks a lot Silvia for the input. Please let us know when you are finished with proof reading, we will than make the changes together.
It´s done! Thanks!
Finished and already on GitHub.
Changes are already online. Thank you Silvia for taking the time spotting the things to improve.