Feature #2242
openContextual/hierarchical arrangement of subordinate items
Where various types under E5 “events” have subordinate events, it would be very useful to be able to toggle the view between the (current) alphabetical arrangement, and a contextual/hierarchical view.
In such a view, items which are subordinate to a main event (which I understand as comprising a breakdown into individual phases of the main event, should be a) indented below the main heading, and b) arranged in chronological order so events are immediately followed by events which they precede. Such chronological arrangement should, of course, be used for any two events that have a chronological relationship, regardless of whether they are subordinate or main events.
It would probably also be useful to have an option to expand or hide the subordinate items under a given heading, both individually and with “expand all” or “hide all” buttons.
This approach shouldn’t only be for events, but would also be useful for other types of entry: e.g. “Sources” (when the vital #1970 “sub documents for sources” is implemented); “artifacts” and “places” if the ability to make one subordinate to another (per #2241), were to be added.