Feature #420
closedSQL for date values (Data file attached)
Added by Alexander Watzinger over 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.
Daniel testet 0.6.0 and was so kind to enter data with datevalues for testing. Data file attached.
Format for overviews: earliest begin and latest end year
SQL for:
- actor overwiew, list with two date columns:
- actor view, dates in relation list
e.g. http://medcon-dev.craws.net/admin/actor/view/id/107
medcon_dev.sql.zip (169 KB) medcon_dev.sql.zip | Alexander Watzinger, 2015-05-16 14:33 |
Updated by Stefan Eichert over 9 years ago
Query for actors and birth or first appearance (begin of the timespan):
SELECT DISTINCT ON (name) actor.id, actor.name, actor.description, timeprimitive.value_timestamp as firstdate FROM crm.entity actor, crm.link, crm.entity timeprimitive WHERE actor.id = link.domain_id AND link.range_id = timeprimitive.id AND link.property_id IN (141,143) AND --birth or first appearance actor.class_ID IN (21, 39, 68) -- person, group or legal body ORDER BY actor.name, timeprimitive.value_timestamp
Query for actors and death or last appearance (end of the timespan):
SELECT DISTINCT ON (name) actor.id, actor.name, actor.description, timeprimitive.value_timestamp as lastdate FROM crm.entity actor, crm.link, crm.entity timeprimitive WHERE actor.id = link.domain_id AND link.range_id = timeprimitive.id AND link.property_id IN (142,144) AND --birth or first appearance actor.class_ID IN (21, 39, 68) -- person, group or legal body ORDER BY actor.name, timeprimitive.value_timestamp desc
Updated by Stefan Eichert over 9 years ago
This query returns one list that contains one record for each actor with the following information:
id, name, firstdate and lastdate
it shows one record for each actor even if the chronological information is not recorded. If only one (eg. only begin or only end) is known, the other field is left empty. If neither begin nor end are known both are left empty.
For the begin date the first value is shown, for the end date the last value
WITH sortbyname AS( WITH alldates AS( --alldates returns one or more record for each actors with or without begin/end dates with id, name, firstdate and lastdate. --the number of rows per actor depends on the various possibilites (e.g. no dates at all, only one begin, from-to values for end ...) WITH datetable AS( WITH actortimelist AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (name) -- this query returns a row for each actor that has a begin/birth date and shows the first value for begin/birth actor.id, actor.name, actor.description, timeprimitive.value_timestamp, timeprimitive.class_id, link.property_id FROM crm.entity actor, crm.link, crm.entity timeprimitive WHERE actor.id = link.domain_id AND link.range_id = timeprimitive.id AND link.property_id IN (141,143) --birth or first appearance ORDER BY actor.name, timeprimitive.value_timestamp) SELECT Distinct on (name) -- this select statement uses the previous query and adds the last value from the end/death date as an additional row crm.entity.id, crm.entity.name, actortimelist.value_timestamp AS firstdate, timeprimitive.value_timestamp AS lastdate FROM crm.entity actor, crm.link, crm.entity timeprimitive, actortimelist RIGHT JOIN crm.entity ON crm.entity.id = actortimelist.id WHERE actor.id = link.domain_id AND link.range_id = timeprimitive.id AND link.property_id IN (142,144) AND --death or last appearance actortimelist.id = actor.id ORDER BY name, lastdate desc) select * from datetable -- datetable now shows all actors that have a begin/birth AND end/death date (first value of begin and last value of end timespan) UNION ALL SELECT -- this query returns the first values for begin/birth. Necessary if for example only begin and no end dates are recorded, such cases would not show up in datetable (see above) actor.id, actor.name, timeprimitive.value_timestamp as firstdate, NULL AS lastdate FROM crm.entity actor, crm.link, crm.entity timeprimitive WHERE actor.id = link.domain_id AND link.range_id = timeprimitive.id AND link.property_id IN (141,143) --birth or first appearance UNION ALL SELECT -- this query returns the last values for end/death. Necessary if for example only end and no begin dates are recorded, such cases would not show up in datetable (see above) actor.id, actor.name, NULL AS firstdate, timeprimitive.value_timestamp as lastdate FROM crm.entity actor, crm.link, crm.entity timeprimitive WHERE actor.id = link.domain_id AND link.range_id = timeprimitive.id AND link.property_id IN (142,144) --death or last appearance UNION ALL SELECT -- this query returns the NULL values for begin/birth and death/end. Necessary if for example neither begin nor end dates are recorded, such cases would not show up in datetable (see above) id, name, NULL AS firstdate, NULL AS lastdate FROM crm.entity WHERE class_id IN (21, 39, 68)) SELECT DISTINCT ON (name, id) -- select only the record with the most complete information on dates and leave other possibilites aside id, name, firstdate, lastdate FROM alldates ORDER BY id, name, firstdate NULLS LAST, lastdate desc NULLS LAST) -- sort the result so the most complete information is in the first row SELECT * FROM sortbyname ORDER BY name -- sort results by name or whatever sorting you want (exchange sort expression if desired)
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
And that was the easy part ;) dates in relationships are even more complicated because they are linked to a property ...
Thanks for your efforts, it gave me some interesting ideas. Here the approach I implemented (with changes for performance, readability and consistency):
SELECT min(date_part('year', d.value_timestamp)) AS first FROM crm.entity e JOIN crm.link l ON e.id = l.domain_id JOIN crm.entity d ON l.range_id = d.id JOIN crm.property p ON l.property_id = p.id WHERE p.code IN ('OA1', 'OA3') AND e.id = :entity_id";
In this case:
- an entity_id is passed as param (returns only dates for one entity but could be transformed easily)
- joins instead of "where one_table.id = second_table.id" (much faster)
- used "p.code IN ('OA1', 'OA2', 'OA3', 'OA4')" isntead of ids because we can't trust ids
- for the last date replace min with max and OA1/OA3 with OA2/OA4
It's implemented for actors and places, we will improve/adapt as we go, closing ticket.
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 9 years ago
fixed above sql to get different values for first and last, otherwise the result could be misleading
Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 9 years ago
- Project changed from 19 to OpenAtlas
- Category deleted (
37) - Target version deleted (