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Alexander Watzinger, 2024-07-12 11:35

External reference systems analysis

Here is an overview of used external reference systems, mainly to get an idea which systems are worth to look into (e.g. usage of the their API, if available).

2024 July

MAMEMS/Approaching Byzantium

|_.System |_.Count|_.Website URL |_.Resolver URL |_.Example ID|_.Default |
ByzAD |>.68 | | |604 |exact match|
Diktyon Number |>.295 | ||71029 |exact match|
GeoNames |>.100 | | |1234567 ||
PLP |>.236 | | | |exact match|
PmbZ |>.6 | | | |exact match Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit
Prosopography of the Byzantine World |>.61 | exact match
Wikidata |>.306 | Q123 A free and open knowledge base and common source of open data providing persistent identifier and links to other sources.

Updated by Alexander Watzinger 2 months ago · 1 revisions

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