



OpenAtlasDiscovery Meeting 2022-10-19

Updated information in the course of the meeting is in color. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt.


The meeting will be about the (re)start of the general presentation site OpenAtlas Discovery which makes date entered into OpenAtlas accessible for a greater audience. The focus will be on used technologies.
Location: Bäckerstraße 13, Room 2051 (smaller meeting room at the start of the hallway) is reserved for us from 13.00 to 15.00


  • Andreas Olschnögger
  • Alexander Watzinger
  • Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
  • Christoph Hoffmann
  • Moritz Großfurtner


  • Name: "OpenAtlasDiscovery", "OpenAtlas Discovery" or "OpenAtlas-Discovery"?
    • New project name: OpenAtlas Discovery
    • New repository Name: OpenAtlas-Discovery
  • Hosting with Kubernetes at the ACDH-CH?
    • ACDH-CH instances on Kubernetes should be linked to the ACDH-CH repository
    • But it should also be possible to install without Kubernetes, e.g. an install guide for self hosting should be provided.


  • Nuxt3 RC
    • Composition API vs Options API -> composition
    • Language: Typescript
  • UI: Vuetify Beta -> We will try using it, if any major issues come up, we'll consider switching to a different framework.
  • Store: Pinia
  • Content: Content v2 -> To be discussed: where will the content be hosted/pulled from, options would be:
    • It's own repository
    • Individual branches
    • Hosted externally
    • Configured in OpenAtlas backend
  • API: Swagger / SwaggerJS?
  • API: using (#1770) -> Will be considered once it is worked out in the backend
  • SSG: Gridsome or nuxt generate -> Will be discuss further upon making the first OpenAtlas frontend static
  • Testing with assertions, coverage, ...: nuxt testing with Vitest
  • Data Visualization: D3.js
  • For localization: i18n ?


  • Map as separate component? -> Maybe
  • Configuration of Components to be discussed. (config.json, feed it to Kubernetes through Environment Variables, ...)

Collecting features and ideas:

  • Display data in table
  • Display entities on map
  • Display entities in single page
  • Search functionality for entities
  • Provide graphs for data visualization with D3.js ?

How to proceed

  • A new Redmine sub project and new repositories will be set up
  • First milestone will be a very basic prototype with the new technologies and e.g. testing and I18N support
  • To demonstrate the prototype we could use the OpenAtlas demo-dev instance

Updated by Alexander Watzinger almost 2 years ago · 16 revisions

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