



Developer meeting 2023-04-04

Location: Bäckerstraße 13, from 15.00 to 17.00, Room 2036 (meeting room next to the kitchen)
Updated information in the course of the meeting is in color. Every participant is welcome to add and adapt.


  • Alexander Watzinger
  • Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz (moderator)
  • Moritz Großfurtner
  • Nina Richards
  • Massimiliano Carloni
  • Stefan Eichert


  • Protocol Mocca
  • Schedule next developer meeting, who moderates? 17.05.2023 15:00-17:00, Massimiliano Carloni
  • Pre- / post-release meetings When needed we'll have a smaller meeting post release to plan for the next release and catch each other up on current issues and potential dependencies. Details will be discussed at a later point.
  • Who needs software licenses (e.g. PyCharm)?
  • Short bio update, deadline 15.05. Coordinate Information about OpenAtlas
  • New cooperation: The Hospital of the Order of the Elisabethians in Vienna
  • New Project "Replico" by Stefan Eichert accepted, Thanados will be expanded and OpenAtlas extended to meet the new requirements, e.g. API will be extended and improved.
  • New demo-dev data The different demo instances will use different datasets to show a variety of applications that OpenAtlas has been used for.


  • INDIGO Symposium 2023
    • 14-16 June 2023, Vienna
    • The Data Crew - Archive with ARCHE and enrich with OpenAtlas
    • Bernhard and Massimiliano: joint presentation from ARCHE and OpenAtlas
    • Abstract deadline 31.3.
    • Probably no full paper, but maybe Massimiliano wants to -> Martina Trognitz and Massimiliano will write a paper (with main focus on ARCHE)
  • IMC 2023
    • 3-6 July 2023, Leeds
    • Only Stefan and Alex live, others online?
  • Digital Humanities 2023
    • 10-14 July, 2023, Graz
    • Deadline for final versions is May 1, 2023
    • Paper (Stefan and maybe Nina): Age, Sex, and Diseases of Dead People - Integrating Anthropological Analyzing Methods into DH Tools
    • Poster (Alex and maybe Mocca): How to be flexible - OpenAtlas as Highly Adaptable Database Software in the Scope of Digital Humanities
  • OpenAtlas Summer Meeting 2023
    • Joined with bITEM?
    • Date: end of June or better later?
    • Decision moved to next meeting.
  • The History of a Special Relationship: Women, Eunuchs and Medieval Mount Athos
    • 27-29 September 2023, Oxford
    • Full paper? Await further Input.
  • Cultural Heritage-Research in the Digital Age
    • 24-25 October, Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences
    • Participation at: Projektbörse „Kulturelles Erbe am ACDH-CH“, with poster and/or multimedia presentation
    • Submission deadline: 31. May 2023
    • Present Poster, maybe Bernhard and Mocca(?)
    • Maybe poster on ARCHE+OpenAtlas (with example of INDIGO). Massimiliano will take care of it
  • Request from Elisabeth for an ACDH-CH method seminar
    • End of January 2024
    • Audience: Research fellows of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute
    • Topic: Tools to research Holocaust, exile and Jewish history
    • 1-2 hours OpenAtlas presentation with showing data entry
    • Who would be interested?
    • Good idea, further details will follow

Frontend Development

  • Start of developing MAMEMS presentation site in May, kickoff meeting maybe together with Approaching Byzantium? Agreed to plan for a collective meeting.
  • Plan for new frontend developer
  • Updates?

Additional issues tag

Additional field for issues to tag how "doable" they are. This would be very informative, especially for wishlist items. Something with options like:
  • Low effort
  • High effort Find a better name
  • Needs financing
  • Needs evaluation
  • Needs an expert (e.g. someone proficient in a specific technology or methodology)
  • Missing requirements (e.g. a missing third party bug fix or feature, waiting that something gets stable, a Debian package isn't available, ...)


  • #1952: "E11 Modification", solve UI for the many event types Add tooltips with the explanation of the manual
  • #1064: "Restructure UI for historical sources", discuss draft -> moved to next meeting
  • #1980: API: Improve LOUD, discussing representation images -> moved to next meeting
  • #1542: OpenAtlas on Kubernetes -> moved to next meeting

Updated by Alexander Watzinger over 1 year ago · 60 revisions

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