


Alexander Watzinger's activity

From 2024-02-13 to 2024-03-13


08:23 OpenAtlas Feature #2106: IIIF: Delete IIIF images
Thanks for implementing.
Because you have done quite some work recently, I uploaded recent additions to demo-dev (ht...
Alexander Watzinger
08:00 OpenAtlas Feature #2146 (Closed): IIIF: Display hints for possible problems
In case we encounter other problems we might be able to catch before we will create a new issue.
Closing and assigni...
Alexander Watzinger
07:24 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2194: Designing individual sites
Like Bernhard I think it won't be necessary for references.
But I would add map locations at person/group for events...
Alexander Watzinger
07:16 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2188 (Assigned): Adapt presentation sites for new demo-dev
I talked to Olivia and she said she could do this in general but would need someone to show her how to generate the s... Alexander Watzinger


15:35 OpenAtlas Feature #2223 (In Progress): Improved forms
Alexander Watzinger


16:41 OpenAtlas Bug #2224 (Closed): Password cannot be revealed
It is fixed in the *develop branch* and can be tested at the *development demo*:
Alexander Watzinger
14:06 OpenAtlas Bug #2224 (Assigned): Password cannot be revealed
Thank you for reporting. I can confirm that the show password function doesn't work anymore and will look into it. Alexander Watzinger
12:25 OpenAtlas Feature #2223 (Closed): Improved forms
Forms were improved, mainly by moving collection of entities for form tables to the form manager.
The results are:...
Alexander Watzinger


12:51 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2213 (Assigned): Detail View: Hide map when no Geo data is available
+ 1
Also I took the liberty to add your note as description of the issue, added a version, ...
Alexander Watzinger


16:58 OpenAtlas Feature #2193 (Assigned): Import artifacts
Thank you for reporting.
The selected category does matter. I guess it's not too much work to implement an artifact ...
Alexander Watzinger
16:08 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2194 (Closed): Designing individual sites
Like discussed we start with designing the individual sites for different class detail views, e.g. place, person, ...... Alexander Watzinger
15:37 OpenAtlas Feature #2190 (Closed): Server side compression
Alexander Watzinger
11:04 OpenAtlas Feature #2190: Server side compression
Thank you for the advice :) it's easy to implement and helps a lot with larger data sets.
I decided to document it i...
Alexander Watzinger


16:46 OpenAtlas Feature #2190 (In Progress): Server side compression
Thanks for your inputs and instructions. I activated it on trinity for
Not sure how t...
Alexander Watzinger


17:01 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2188: Adapt presentation sites for new demo-dev
New demo develop version is online with THANADOS data:
So we could adapt the presentat...
Alexander Watzinger


17:26 OpenAtlas Feature #2168 (Closed): Refactor and minor improvements
Alexander Watzinger
17:21 OpenAtlas Feature #2186 (Closed): Move file item from admin area to menu
The move of file functions from admin to a menu item is finished (in the develop branch), according updates in the ma... Alexander Watzinger
13:03 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2188 (Closed): Adapt presentation sites for new demo-dev
Bernhard and I planning to exchange data of the current "demo-dev version": with DPP dat... Alexander Watzinger


19:38 OpenAtlas Question #2183: Reference System and Vocabs Import
Thanks Bernhard for the feedback.
I wasn't sure but it of course makes perfect sense that we don't invest too much t...
Alexander Watzinger
15:02 OpenAtlas Feature #1475: Archaeological demo version
After some consideration I would say we replace the DPP demo-dev version with THANADOS demo data.
Both current demo ...
Alexander Watzinger
14:38 OpenAtlas Question #2182: Host multiple projects within OpenAtlas
I also closed this issue to avoid mixing too much different topics. But feel free to open new ones anytime. Alexander Watzinger
14:36 OpenAtlas Question #2182 (Closed): Host multiple projects within OpenAtlas
Thank you again for reporting.
I added FAQs about multiple projects and data access (#2187) to the manual and it can...
Alexander Watzinger
14:32 OpenAtlas Feature #2187 (Closed): Manual: FAQs about multiple projects and data access
The FAQs are added in **develop** and on can be viewed on the demo-dev at Alexander Watzinger
14:24 OpenAtlas Feature #2187 (Closed): Manual: FAQs about multiple projects and data access
In response to reoccurring questions two topics are added to the FAQ in the manual:
* How to manage multiple project...
Alexander Watzinger
12:35 OpenAtlas Question #2181 (Closed): Store analytical data and metadata
I took some time to think it through and personally I'm still in favor of implementing each analytical function to pr... Alexander Watzinger


17:37 OpenAtlas Feature #1475: Archaeological demo version
Thanks a lot, I will look into it.
Because we weren't sure yesterday if we want to replace the demo (and which). Acc...
Alexander Watzinger
15:42 OpenAtlas Feature #1748: Extended Value Types
I took the liberty to format the code from before. This can be done with the *pre* button and helps with readability. Alexander Watzinger
15:29 OpenAtlas Feature #2186 (Closed): Move file item from admin area to menu
In preparation for the license functions rebuild the *File* item will be moved from the admin area to the menu becaus... Alexander Watzinger
15:22 OpenAtlas Feature #1473: Tool: Bone Inventory
At the "The Present Dead" Deep Dive an interesting website was shown:, so I added it... Alexander Watzinger
12:14 OpenAtlas Question #2183: Reference System and Vocabs Import
Sorry to interrupt but the 2nd scenario won't work: "Rename the old one, import the new one, and then move the entiti... Alexander Watzinger
12:07 OpenAtlas Question #2181: Store analytical data and metadata
Thank you Stefan for your feedback. I already suspected your answer to that, that's why I mentioned "an ongoing longe... Alexander Watzinger
11:51 OpenAtlas Question #2182: Host multiple projects within OpenAtlas
Before answering I wanted to thank you for your really interesting questions. Your feedback is appreciated and will b... Alexander Watzinger


16:58 OpenAtlas Question #2181: Store analytical data and metadata
This is actually an ongoing longer discussion.
My approach would be to implement needed functionality over time si...
Alexander Watzinger
11:20 OpenAtlas Question #2181 (Assigned): Store analytical data and metadata
We already have a feature that I guess goes into that direction, see *Radiocarbon Dating* in the "manual":https://man... Alexander Watzinger
16:41 OpenAtlas Question #2182: Host multiple projects within OpenAtlas
Keeping data privately or hidden is not the focus of OpenAtlas. On the contrary, our cooperations are exclusively wit... Alexander Watzinger
11:01 OpenAtlas Question #2182 (In Progress): Host multiple projects within OpenAtlas
Dear Gary, thank you for your interest in OpenAtlas. Depending on the need to share data between the projects there a... Alexander Watzinger


15:39 OpenAtlas Feature #2105: New file license system
After some discussion with my very helpful colleagues it became clear that we would need all license related features... Alexander Watzinger

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