Feature #1770
closedAPI: Adding linked.art format
We could use https://linked.art/ as a format for further API developments, as it offers a JSON-LD format for the CIDOC CRM that is very easy to understand, very comprehensible and would in a very simple way allow representing each node as a JSON-LD. Especially for non place entities, this would allow for a much better machine-readable representation.
Q: How do we define time in which case? P4, P82, P173, P191 or something else? (https://linked.art/model/base/#time-span-details)
A: Link physical objects and actors with dates (mapping with event with E63/E64 and P92/93) -> For simplicity, currently implemented with P4 has time-span
Q: What to do with additional information? Should we keep strictly to LOUD model or add additional fields?
A: For types with external reference systems, just add a field with external reference
Q: P127 has broader term doesn't exist in LOUD. So we have problems to display Types as single entity, e.g. /api/cidoc_class/E55
A: Use skos:broader
Q: Place coordinates also need a link property. When to use P189 approximates and P168 place is defined by. P168 only takes one geometry, P189 can have an array. For example implementations, see Place at linked.art
Q: Which property have the comments of the timespans? My guess is P3 has note