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# Project Tracker Status Subject Assignee Category Target version Start date Updated
1975 OpenAtlas Feature Closed Make description field wider Andreas Olschnögger UI OpenAtlas - 7.12.0 2023-02-27 2023-02-27 15:17 Actions
1950 OpenAtlas Feature Closed Improved multi select Andreas Olschnögger UI OpenAtlas - 7.10.0 2023-02-02 2023-02-02 14:38 Actions
1931 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Closed Display images Olivia Reichl OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.6.0 2024-02-27 2024-09-04 14:43 Actions
1930 OpenAtlas Bug Closed CIDOC link checker: keep form values after submit Alexander Watzinger UI OpenAtlas - 7.14.0 2023-01-13 2023-06-13 15:38 Actions
1912 OpenAtlas Bug Closed API: search for typeID with subs logically connected with AND Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz API OpenAtlas - 7.9.0 2022-12-13 2022-12-31 16:31 Actions
1905 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Closed Update npm packages Andreas Olschnögger OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.2.0 2022-12-02 2022-12-02 11:03 Actions
1900 OpenAtlas Discovery Bug Closed Translation of landing page is not shown when deployed Andreas Olschnögger OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.2.0 2022-12-01 2022-12-02 11:09 Actions
1875 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Closed Set favicon and title Moritz Großfurtner OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.1.0 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 16:55 Actions
1874 OpenAtlas Bug Closed API: Outdated Swagger File Andreas Olschnögger API OpenAtlas - 7.9.0 2022-11-15 2022-11-24 16:15 Actions
1873 OpenAtlas Feature Closed API: Order entities by date Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz API OpenAtlas - 7.8.0 2022-11-15 2022-11-15 18:00 Actions
1872 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Closed Ordering Table Moritz Großfurtner OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.4.0 2022-11-16 2024-03-14 13:53 Actions
1862 OpenAtlas Feature Closed API: Create HTTPS URLs when an instance is using SSL Alexander Watzinger Administration 2022-10-27 2022-11-21 14:09 Actions
1860 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Closed Basic Map Component Andreas Olschnögger OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.1.0 2022-10-25 2022-10-27 09:49 Actions
1858 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Closed Simple Search Andreas Olschnögger OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.1.0 2022-10-24 2022-11-02 13:12 Actions
1857 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Closed Single View Moritz Großfurtner OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.1.0 2022-10-24 2022-11-15 14:05 Actions
1856 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Closed Simple Table View Andreas Olschnögger OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.1.0 2022-10-24 2022-10-25 10:27 Actions
1855 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature Closed Api Plugin Andreas Olschnögger OpenAtlas Discovery - 0.1.0 2022-10-24 2022-10-24 13:45 Actions
1810 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature Closed Toolbar with categories of material cultures Andreas Olschnögger OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) - Shahi 2022-09-05 2022-12-16 13:54 Actions
1809 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature Closed Order of displaying information - artifacts connected with places Gosia Lenko OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) - Shahi 2022-09-05 2022-12-12 14:30 Actions
1808 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature Closed Additional static content Gosia Lenko OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) - Shahi 2022-09-05 2022-12-16 13:54 Actions
1807 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature Closed Bibliography place missing Natasha Kimmet OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) - Shahi 2022-09-05 2022-12-12 14:28 Actions
1806 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature Closed Add info buttons for all viewing modes Natasha Kimmet OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) - Shahi 2022-09-05 2022-10-13 00:31 Actions
1805 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature Closed Collections: Gallery Overview Natasha Kimmet OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) - Shahi 2022-09-05 2022-12-12 14:12 Actions
1804 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Question Closed Map Layout Natasha Kimmet OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) - Shahi 2022-09-05 2022-10-27 04:35 Actions
1800 OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) Feature Closed Detail View Andreas Olschnögger OpenAtlasDiscovery (origin) - Shahi 2022-08-29 2022-10-10 14:53 Actions
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