



From 2021-05-01 to 2021-05-30


14:33 Feature #1520 (Closed): Better value type display
I changed it in the entity view and updated the THANADOS instance (which is possible because it runs the development ... Alexander Watzinger
12:27 Feature #1520 (Assigned): Better value type display
Thank you very much for reporting, I will look into it. Alexander Watzinger
12:21 Feature #1520 (Closed): Better value type display
Data from isotope analyses have more than three digits after the decimal point. All are saved, but only three are dis... Kristin Opitz


13:30 Bug #1519 (Closed): Adding new types is not possible anymore
Must have been an issue in a in between development version. I updated Thanados to the latest development version (al... Alexander Watzinger
13:23 Bug #1519 (Assigned): Adding new types is not possible anymore
Can confirm. This only seems to affect the Thanados version but I will look into it. Alexander Watzinger
10:36 Bug #1519 (Closed): Adding new types is not possible anymore
It is not possible to add new entities to already existing types. The + button next to the type is missing. This bug ... Nina Richards


16:56 Feature #1503 (Closed): Restructure letter data for CONNEC
Finished and updated online instance. Alexander Watzinger


16:16 Feature #1509 (In Progress): Manual - examples for use cases
Alexander Watzinger


16:19 Bug #1518: New source takes extremly long
Thx for the quick fix! Stefan Eichert
16:17 Bug #1518 (Closed): New source takes extremly long
This was a rather strange one.
First I couldn't reproduce it locally, one difference to the online version was that ...
Alexander Watzinger
11:18 Bug #1518 (In Progress): New source takes extremly long
Can confirm, moved the issue to the OpenAtlas project and will look into it. Thank you for reporting. Alexander Watzinger
08:43 Bug #1518 (Closed): New source takes extremly long
Adding a new source in the thanados instance takes extremly long. (2min +). Tested on V.6.3.0. Testing the same local... Stefan Eichert


08:40 Question #1517: decide on/implement content negotiation for image API
The solution for the resizing function for the API is at the moment caching. The image is stored in a temp folder whi... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


16:48 Question #1517: decide on/implement content negotiation for image API
re the width header: I am definitely up for giving it a try, but I must say I have never seen this implemented in an ... Christoph Hoffmann
12:42 Question #1517 (Acknowledged): decide on/implement content negotiation for image API
Should we try to implement the experimental _width_ accept header?
I will try to make this happen with the new ve...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
10:56 Question #1517 (Closed): decide on/implement content negotiation for image API
the image retrieval API implemented in #1280 should conform to "server driven content negotiation conventions":https:... Christoph Hoffmann
13:36 Feature #1478 (Closed): API: latest with pagination
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
12:24 Feature #1516 (Closed): API: implement Google JSON style
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
11:51 Feature #1516 (In Progress): API: implement Google JSON style
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
11:48 Feature #1516: API: implement Google JSON style
* type_tree -> typeTree
* legal-notice -> legalNotice
* s...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
10:41 Feature #1516 (Assigned): API: implement Google JSON style
Promoting this question to a feature request, minor formatting changes. Alexander Watzinger
10:18 Feature #1516: API: implement Google JSON style
Ok, now I get it. Will change it, should be done for the next version. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
10:16 Feature #1516: API: implement Google JSON style
linked places/JSON-LD is already following the google JSON style (or maybe the google style is formulated around the ... Christoph Hoffmann
10:08 Feature #1516 (Acknowledged): API: implement Google JSON style
So you mean, that we should change the Linked Places property naming to Google Json Style? Or should we make the opti... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
09:59 Feature #1516 (Closed): API: implement Google JSON style
We shortly talked about it initially but never made it explicit, however for ease of use in consuming applications I ... Christoph Hoffmann
09:48 Bug #1515: API: Paging count faulty
thank you! Christoph Hoffmann


16:45 Bug #1515: API: Paging count faulty
I uploaded the develop patch at demo-dev and origins and can confirm that it is now working as expected. Thank you Ch... Alexander Watzinger
13:50 Bug #1515 (Closed): API: Paging count faulty
Is fixed in develop. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


17:19 Bug #1373: Map bug when deleting polygons
Because a complete rewrite of the map functions is necessary but won't happen in the near future because of lacking f... Alexander Watzinger


18:07 Bug #1515 (Acknowledged): API: Paging count faulty
Thank you for reporting. Maybe my refactoring brought this bug into life. Will fix it. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
16:39 Bug #1515 (Closed): API: Paging count faulty
when pageing the total count decreases by the number of skipped entities from the start ie
Christoph Hoffmann
17:07 Bug #1514: End dates of entities are not displayed correctly
Version was released and (most) online versions, e.g. CONNEC are updated so the dates should now be displayed correctly. Alexander Watzinger
15:22 Bug #1514 (Closed): End dates of entities are not displayed correctly
Confirmed, at entity view the begin date is shown also as end date if the end date is an exact date. This is a minor ... Alexander Watzinger
14:02 Bug #1514 (Closed): End dates of entities are not displayed correctly
Reported by Alice: End dates are not shown correctly at entity detail view, for example: Alexander Watzinger


14:51 Feature #1502 (Acknowledged): Show count of finds when entering additional
OpenAtlas meeting: decided to add count to breadcrumb in parenthesis Alexander Watzinger
14:35 Feature #1462: Current owner of artifacts
OpenAtlas meeting: in first step add current owner, later extend with e.g. change of owner and differ between custody... Alexander Watzinger
14:11 Feature #1280: Picture Preview
Decided in OpenAtlas meeting to only make versions we need in backend, so one for thumbnail in tables and one for pre... Alexander Watzinger
10:55 Feature #1513: Add reference page for multiple files
Thank you very much for adding this issue. I took the liberty to adapt the description a little and adding implementi... Alexander Watzinger
07:58 Feature #1513 (Closed): Add reference page for multiple files
When uploading and linking multiple files to a reference, it is not possible to add a page number directly, so it has... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


19:13 Feature #1512 (Closed): Refactor
Refactoring in this version:
* Continued moving HTML to templates
* Generalizing and merging templates
* String fo...
Alexander Watzinger


17:53 Feature #1490 (Closed): API: Refactor
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
17:53 OpenAtlas 6.2.0 released
This release is mostly about improvements and fixes in the user interface. Also it is now possible to add multiple fi... Alexander Watzinger
17:34 Bug #1414 (Acknowledged): Enlarged Description Field Covers up Entry Buttons
Moving it to the next version because of lack of frontend developer capacities. Sorry for the inconvenience. Alexander Watzinger
17:32 Feature #1494 (Closed): Refactor
Alexander Watzinger
17:32 Feature #1428 (Closed): Configuration of frontend site name
Closing this issue because it is implemented in backend and API and created a new issue in OpenAtlas Discovery to als... Alexander Watzinger
17:25 Feature #1285 (Acknowledged): Improved value types display
Although this feature would be quite important we have to move it back to the wishlist because of lack of frontend de... Alexander Watzinger


13:51 Feature #1509 (Closed): Manual - examples for use cases
Update of the manual with workflow examples and more detail pages
* Workflow for archaeological subunit
* Workfl...
Nina Richards


16:12 Feature #1508 (Closed): Drag and drop field for file upload
It would be nice to have a large enough drag'n'drop field for file upload instead of the cumbersome browse button. Ad... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
16:06 Bug #1507 (Closed): Bulk upload of images and citation
Thank you for reporting. Berni and I looked at it and we agree that it is confusing when only the first entry gets a ... Alexander Watzinger
13:35 Bug #1507 (Closed): Bulk upload of images and citation
If you do a bulk upload of images related to a citation e.g. Krenn 1939, it is possible to add a page where the pictu... Nina Richards


15:14 Bug #1505 (Closed): Page jumps when pressing the "show" button
Thank you for reporting. The issue should be resolved (in develop branch and online for THANADOS). Keep in mind to re... Alexander Watzinger
09:34 Bug #1505 (Closed): Page jumps when pressing the "show" button
When entering data into "Artifact" the page jumps to the beginning when you open the "Material" field to enter data. ... Nina Richards
10:21 Feature #1506 (Closed): Update CIDOC CRM to 7.1.1
Currently we use CIDOC CRM *6.2.1* and will update it to *7.1.1* which is the latest release with available RDFS docu... Alexander Watzinger

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