From 2021-04-12 to 2021-05-11
- 14:51 Feature #1502 (Acknowledged): Show count of finds when entering additional
- OpenAtlas meeting: decided to add count to breadcrumb in parenthesis
- 14:35 Feature #1462: Current owner of artifacts
- OpenAtlas meeting: in first step add current owner, later extend with e.g. change of owner and differ between custody...
- 14:11 Feature #1280: Picture Preview
- Decided in OpenAtlas meeting to only make versions we need in backend, so one for thumbnail in tables and one for pre...
- 10:55 Feature #1513: Add reference page for multiple files
- Thank you very much for adding this issue. I took the liberty to adapt the description a little and adding implementi...
- 07:58 Feature #1513 (Closed): Add reference page for multiple files
- When uploading and linking multiple files to a reference, it is not possible to add a page number directly, so it has...
- 19:13 Feature #1512 (Closed): Refactor
- Refactoring in this version:
* Continued moving HTML to templates
* Generalizing and merging templates
* String fo...
- 17:53 Feature #1490 (Closed): API: Refactor
- 17:53 OpenAtlas 6.2.0 released
- This release is mostly about improvements and fixes in the user interface. Also it is now possible to add multiple fi...
- 17:34 Bug #1414 (Acknowledged): Enlarged Description Field Covers up Entry Buttons
- Moving it to the next version because of lack of frontend developer capacities. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- 17:32 Feature #1494 (Closed): Refactor
- 17:32 Feature #1428 (Closed): Configuration of frontend site name
- Closing this issue because it is implemented in backend and API and created a new issue in OpenAtlas Discovery to als...
- 17:25 Feature #1285 (Acknowledged): Improved value types display
- Although this feature would be quite important we have to move it back to the wishlist because of lack of frontend de...
- 13:51 Feature #1509 (Closed): Manual - examples for use cases
- Update of the manual with workflow examples and more detail pages
* Workflow for archaeological subunit
* Workfl...
- 16:12 Feature #1508 (Closed): Drag and drop field for file upload
- It would be nice to have a large enough drag'n'drop field for file upload instead of the cumbersome browse button. Ad...
- 16:06 Bug #1507 (Closed): Bulk upload of images and citation
- Thank you for reporting. Berni and I looked at it and we agree that it is confusing when only the first entry gets a ...
- 13:35 Bug #1507 (Closed): Bulk upload of images and citation
- If you do a bulk upload of images related to a citation e.g. Krenn 1939, it is possible to add a page where the pictu...
- 15:14 Bug #1505 (Closed): Page jumps when pressing the "show" button
- Thank you for reporting. The issue should be resolved (in develop branch and online for THANADOS). Keep in mind to re...
- 09:34 Bug #1505 (Closed): Page jumps when pressing the "show" button
- When entering data into "Artifact" the page jumps to the beginning when you open the "Material" field to enter data. ...
- 10:21 Feature #1506 (Closed): Update CIDOC CRM to 7.1.1
- Currently we use CIDOC CRM *6.2.1* and will update it to *7.1.1* which is the latest release with available RDFS docu...
- 11:33 Feature #1280 (Assigned): Picture Preview
- The feature_api_image branch provides now the possibility to show small preview images in the file table.
This is q...
- 15:07 Feature #1502: Show count of finds when entering additional
- After discussing this with Nina it turned out that she needs because she names the finds with numbers.
It would also...
- 15:38 Bug #1504 (Closed): Special characters in type names
- I (re)enabled to put a minus sign into type names and uploaded the develop version to Thanados.
Be aware that this v... - 13:50 Bug #1504 (Closed): Special characters in type names
- It doesn't seem to be possible to put a "-" into a type name. This was possible in the past though as you can see for...
- 11:08 Feature #940 (Closed): Multiple file upload
- 17:18 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
- Great! Merge it to develop. We can look at the manual together if you like.
You can close the ticket (once in develo... - 13:52 Feature #940 (Resolved): Multiple file upload
- Thank you, Alex, for the advice.
With this done, I would say, the feature is done. The only thing is left to do is e... - 12:34 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
- I would say when it's only one than just the filename. Otherwise I still prefer filename_01, filename_02, ... you can...
- 12:13 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
- Oh hell yes! In the code I was aware, but here I didn't though of it.
The numbers should be without trailing zero... - 12:11 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
- I like 01, 02, 03 ... more but be aware that it would be possible to upload more than 99. Not to say that we are writ...
- 09:16 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
- If multiple files are uploaded, they will have the same name with a number behind them.
What format is better for r...
- 17:27 Feature #1503 (Closed): Restructure letter data for CONNEC
- This is a CONNEC specific feature. To make use of new features in our model we will restructure the letter data alrea...
- 11:57 Feature #1090: Radiocarbon Dating
- Added IOSACal suggestion from Stefan
- 13:36 Feature #1445: Anthropological sex estimation
- Thank you Stefan for your valuable input and proposing value types for implementation. I updated the "draft section":...
- 13:00 Feature #1501 (Acknowledged): Set multiple choice types to single type
- Thank you very much for reporting. Main reason this isn't implemented yet is that it would have to be checked (and sh...
- 12:45 Feature #1501 (Closed): Set multiple choice types to single type
- It would be highly desirable to set types, that are multiple choice to single choice. So far this doesn't seem to be ...
- 12:48 Feature #1502 (Closed): Show count of finds when entering additional
- It would make entering larger amounts of finds much easier and quicker if there was the number of already entered fin...
- 19:05 Feature #1491 (Assigned): API: CSV export for network analysis
- Thank you Berni for documenting in such detail. For geometries we already calculate points. It's than called *polygon...
- 19:24 Feature #1492 (In Progress): Image Processing
- 19:23 Feature #1280 (In Progress): Picture Preview
- Functionality added, discussion is needed, how to implement systemwide
- 19:22 Feature #1426 (In Progress): API: Display image smaller size
- Feature is done, testing and mypy in progress
- 11:21 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
- Thank you Stefan for feedback and Berni for reporting. I think we have enough information for now and can discuss it ...
- 10:08 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
- Hi Stefan!
This is exactly what I'm thinking of. - 10:02 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
- Hi Berni!
Is this what you were thinking of:
- 13:01 Feature #1500 (Acknowledged): Production of artifacts
- Thank you very much Berni for the detailed description. I too think it's possible to cover described features with CI...
- 10:58 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
- Changed description. I hope, this is now suitable to discuss.
- 22:51 Feature #1476 (Closed): Show/hide button for multiple reference systems
- If there are more than 3 reference systems they will be hidden initially with a toggle button to display them (simila...
- 20:32 Feature #984 (Closed): Pleiades API
- Thanks a lot for the feedback, in this case I close the issue. If someone needs it in the future we reopen it or open...
- 17:55 Feature #984: Pleiades API
- It could be similar to the wikidata api. It is intended to deliver the respective pleaiades ids just like with wikida...
- 18:02 Feature #1090: Radiocarbon Dating
- Did some work on this and implemented radiocarbon dates in the THANADOS frontend using
- 14:06 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
- @ Berni: it would be important to know why you would need this. A date can already be tracked (begin time span) so wh...
- 13:55 Feature #1500 (Closed): Production of artifacts
- *Update*
This feature allows to create events (production) for the creation of artifacts and also track their crea...
- 15:00 Feature #1216 (In Progress): Adding references to subunits (citation)
- 14:26 Feature #1499 (Acknowledged): Files: provide a list of already used references to link
- As for #1216 it would be handy to get a list of references already used in connected subunits but also the place for ...
- 16:22 Feature #1400: Make specific types required at data entry
- Thanks for considering this. I opt for:
"Make it required only when inserting an entry so that former entries can b... - 15:44 Feature #1476 (In Progress): Show/hide button for multiple reference systems
- 14:29 Feature #984 (Assigned): Pleiades API
- Is this something we should discuss (again) after we now have an API? This question is mainly for Stefan and Berni so...
- 14:22 Feature #1498 (Closed): Remove types with subs and/or linked entities
- At the moment, hierarchy and types cannot be deleted if entities or subtypes are connected. One reason for this is to...
- 11:28 Feature #1496 (Closed): API: Endpoints for entities of type
- Tests and Mypy done. Pushed to develop.
- 10:24 Feature #1496 (Closed): API: Endpoints for entities of type
- This will be new endpoints to list either the entities of a type or all sub-entities of a type. It will be similar to...
- 16:45 Feature #1428 (Assigned): Configuration of frontend site name
- Assigning to Christoph to implement and test in OA Discovery.
- 09:26 Feature #1495 (Closed): API: Additional Geojson output for QGIS imports
- Since programs like QGIS cannot handle GeometriyCollection, a new export would be preferable.
* Every geo...
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