



From 2021-04-12 to 2021-05-11


14:51 Feature #1502 (Acknowledged): Show count of finds when entering additional
OpenAtlas meeting: decided to add count to breadcrumb in parenthesis Alexander Watzinger
14:35 Feature #1462: Current owner of artifacts
OpenAtlas meeting: in first step add current owner, later extend with e.g. change of owner and differ between custody... Alexander Watzinger
14:11 Feature #1280: Picture Preview
Decided in OpenAtlas meeting to only make versions we need in backend, so one for thumbnail in tables and one for pre... Alexander Watzinger
10:55 Feature #1513: Add reference page for multiple files
Thank you very much for adding this issue. I took the liberty to adapt the description a little and adding implementi... Alexander Watzinger
07:58 Feature #1513 (Closed): Add reference page for multiple files
When uploading and linking multiple files to a reference, it is not possible to add a page number directly, so it has... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


19:13 Feature #1512 (Closed): Refactor
Refactoring in this version:
* Continued moving HTML to templates
* Generalizing and merging templates
* String fo...
Alexander Watzinger


17:53 Feature #1490 (Closed): API: Refactor
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
17:53 OpenAtlas 6.2.0 released
This release is mostly about improvements and fixes in the user interface. Also it is now possible to add multiple fi... Alexander Watzinger
17:34 Bug #1414 (Acknowledged): Enlarged Description Field Covers up Entry Buttons
Moving it to the next version because of lack of frontend developer capacities. Sorry for the inconvenience. Alexander Watzinger
17:32 Feature #1494 (Closed): Refactor
Alexander Watzinger
17:32 Feature #1428 (Closed): Configuration of frontend site name
Closing this issue because it is implemented in backend and API and created a new issue in OpenAtlas Discovery to als... Alexander Watzinger
17:25 Feature #1285 (Acknowledged): Improved value types display
Although this feature would be quite important we have to move it back to the wishlist because of lack of frontend de... Alexander Watzinger


13:51 Feature #1509 (Closed): Manual - examples for use cases
Update of the manual with workflow examples and more detail pages
* Workflow for archaeological subunit
* Workfl...
Nina Richards


16:12 Feature #1508 (Closed): Drag and drop field for file upload
It would be nice to have a large enough drag'n'drop field for file upload instead of the cumbersome browse button. Ad... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
16:06 Bug #1507 (Closed): Bulk upload of images and citation
Thank you for reporting. Berni and I looked at it and we agree that it is confusing when only the first entry gets a ... Alexander Watzinger
13:35 Bug #1507 (Closed): Bulk upload of images and citation
If you do a bulk upload of images related to a citation e.g. Krenn 1939, it is possible to add a page where the pictu... Nina Richards


15:14 Bug #1505 (Closed): Page jumps when pressing the "show" button
Thank you for reporting. The issue should be resolved (in develop branch and online for THANADOS). Keep in mind to re... Alexander Watzinger
09:34 Bug #1505 (Closed): Page jumps when pressing the "show" button
When entering data into "Artifact" the page jumps to the beginning when you open the "Material" field to enter data. ... Nina Richards
10:21 Feature #1506 (Closed): Update CIDOC CRM to 7.1.1
Currently we use CIDOC CRM *6.2.1* and will update it to *7.1.1* which is the latest release with available RDFS docu... Alexander Watzinger


11:33 Feature #1280 (Assigned): Picture Preview
The feature_api_image branch provides now the possibility to show small preview images in the file table.
This is q...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


15:07 Feature #1502: Show count of finds when entering additional
After discussing this with Nina it turned out that she needs because she names the finds with numbers.
It would also...
Alexander Watzinger


15:38 Bug #1504 (Closed): Special characters in type names
I (re)enabled to put a minus sign into type names and uploaded the develop version to Thanados.
Be aware that this v...
Alexander Watzinger
13:50 Bug #1504 (Closed): Special characters in type names
It doesn't seem to be possible to put a "-" into a type name. This was possible in the past though as you can see for... Nina Richards
11:08 Feature #940 (Closed): Multiple file upload
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


17:18 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
Great! Merge it to develop. We can look at the manual together if you like.
You can close the ticket (once in develo...
Alexander Watzinger
13:52 Feature #940 (Resolved): Multiple file upload
Thank you, Alex, for the advice.
With this done, I would say, the feature is done. The only thing is left to do is e...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
12:34 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
I would say when it's only one than just the filename. Otherwise I still prefer filename_01, filename_02, ... you can... Alexander Watzinger
12:13 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
Oh hell yes! In the code I was aware, but here I didn't though of it.
The numbers should be without trailing zero...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
12:11 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
I like 01, 02, 03 ... more but be aware that it would be possible to upload more than 99. Not to say that we are writ... Alexander Watzinger
09:16 Feature #940: Multiple file upload
If multiple files are uploaded, they will have the same name with a number behind them.
What format is better for r...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


17:43 Feature #940 (In Progress): Multiple file upload
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


17:27 Feature #1503 (Closed): Restructure letter data for CONNEC
This is a CONNEC specific feature. To make use of new features in our model we will restructure the letter data alrea... Alexander Watzinger
11:57 Feature #1090: Radiocarbon Dating
Added IOSACal suggestion from Stefan Alexander Watzinger


13:36 Feature #1445: Anthropological sex estimation
Thank you Stefan for your valuable input and proposing value types for implementation. I updated the "draft section":... Alexander Watzinger
13:00 Feature #1501 (Acknowledged): Set multiple choice types to single type
Thank you very much for reporting. Main reason this isn't implemented yet is that it would have to be checked (and sh... Alexander Watzinger
12:45 Feature #1501 (Closed): Set multiple choice types to single type
It would be highly desirable to set types, that are multiple choice to single choice. So far this doesn't seem to be ... Nina Richards
12:48 Feature #1502 (Closed): Show count of finds when entering additional
It would make entering larger amounts of finds much easier and quicker if there was the number of already entered fin... Nina Richards


19:05 Feature #1491 (Assigned): API: CSV export for network analysis
Thank you Berni for documenting in such detail. For geometries we already calculate points. It's than called *polygon... Alexander Watzinger


19:24 Feature #1492 (In Progress): Image Processing
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
19:23 Feature #1280 (In Progress): Picture Preview
Functionality added, discussion is needed, how to implement systemwide Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
19:22 Feature #1426 (In Progress): API: Display image smaller size
Feature is done, testing and mypy in progress Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
11:21 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
Thank you Stefan for feedback and Berni for reporting. I think we have enough information for now and can discuss it ... Alexander Watzinger
10:08 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
Hi Stefan!
This is exactly what I'm thinking of.
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
10:02 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
Hi Berni!
Is this what you were thinking of:
Stefan Eichert


13:01 Feature #1500 (Acknowledged): Production of artifacts
Thank you very much Berni for the detailed description. I too think it's possible to cover described features with CI... Alexander Watzinger
10:58 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
Changed description. I hope, this is now suitable to discuss. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


22:51 Feature #1476 (Closed): Show/hide button for multiple reference systems
If there are more than 3 reference systems they will be hidden initially with a toggle button to display them (simila... Alexander Watzinger
20:32 Feature #984 (Closed): Pleiades API
Thanks a lot for the feedback, in this case I close the issue. If someone needs it in the future we reopen it or open... Alexander Watzinger
17:55 Feature #984: Pleiades API
It could be similar to the wikidata api. It is intended to deliver the respective pleaiades ids just like with wikida... Stefan Eichert
18:02 Feature #1090: Radiocarbon Dating
Did some work on this and implemented radiocarbon dates in the THANADOS frontend using Stefan Eichert
14:06 Feature #1500: Production of artifacts
@ Berni: it would be important to know why you would need this. A date can already be tracked (begin time span) so wh... Alexander Watzinger
13:55 Feature #1500 (Closed): Production of artifacts
This feature allows to create events (production) for the creation of artifacts and also track their crea...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


15:00 Feature #1216 (In Progress): Adding references to subunits (citation)
Alexander Watzinger
14:26 Feature #1499 (Acknowledged): Files: provide a list of already used references to link
As for #1216 it would be handy to get a list of references already used in connected subunits but also the place for ... Nina Richards


16:22 Feature #1400: Make specific types required at data entry
Thanks for considering this. I opt for:
"Make it required only when inserting an entry so that former entries can b...
Stefan Eichert
15:44 Feature #1476 (In Progress): Show/hide button for multiple reference systems
Alexander Watzinger
14:29 Feature #984 (Assigned): Pleiades API
Is this something we should discuss (again) after we now have an API? This question is mainly for Stefan and Berni so... Alexander Watzinger
14:22 Feature #1498 (Closed): Remove types with subs and/or linked entities
At the moment, hierarchy and types cannot be deleted if entities or subtypes are connected. One reason for this is to... Alexander Watzinger
11:28 Feature #1496 (Closed): API: Endpoints for entities of type
Tests and Mypy done. Pushed to develop. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
10:24 Feature #1496 (Closed): API: Endpoints for entities of type
This will be new endpoints to list either the entities of a type or all sub-entities of a type. It will be similar to... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


16:45 Feature #1428 (Assigned): Configuration of frontend site name
Assigning to Christoph to implement and test in OA Discovery. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


09:26 Feature #1495 (Closed): API: Additional Geojson output for QGIS imports
Since programs like QGIS cannot handle GeometriyCollection, a new export would be preferable.
* Every geo...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz

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