



From 2022-03-24 to 2022-04-22


16:01 Feature #1698: Prevent accidentally deletion of type links
Thank you Bernhard for working on this with me. After sleeping over it I did some refinements:
* Moved the check fun...
Alexander Watzinger
11:25 Feature #1631: Join database GIS tables
Alexander Watzinger wrote:
> I almost finished merging the GIS tables (branch *feature_gis_join*), see description f...
Stefan Eichert


18:21 Feature #1697 (Closed): Refactor
Alexander Watzinger
15:35 Feature #1697 (Closed): Refactor
* Refactored Jinja2 context processor
* Fix alphabetically sorting of types in forms
* Max line length for Python f...
Alexander Watzinger
18:08 Feature #1698 (Closed): Prevent accidentally deletion of type links
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
16:20 Feature #1698 (Closed): Prevent accidentally deletion of type links
If an entity has already multiple types linked for a type that is meant to be single there is a danger of losing data... Alexander Watzinger
15:11 Feature #1498: Remove types with subs and/or linked entities
Working notes:
If the type has subtypes or entities, show an extra page where all subtypes and entities are listed a...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
15:00 Question #1696: API: Bug in generated client code
Eugen, I assign this ticket to you. If you have test everything and found more problems, please assign it back to me ... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
14:51 Feature #1691 (Closed): API: Selecting relations to be returned
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


20:50 Feature #1631 (Resolved): Join database GIS tables
I almost finished merging the GIS tables (branch *feature_gis_join*), see description for new database structure. It ... Alexander Watzinger
19:41 Question #1696 (Assigned): API: Bug in generated client code
Thank you for posting this issue. I think I fixed the circular structure.
Please retry it with https://app.swaggerh...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
18:19 Question #1696 (Closed): API: Bug in generated client code
I generated a fsharp client using two different tools and have noticed a few empty results for certain methods. Fe:
Eugen Hotwagner
14:58 Feature #1655 (In Progress): API: Performance improvement
Although much better we still need better performance to e.g. show all case study data on the start page for the CONN... Alexander Watzinger
11:57 Feature #1691 (Resolved): API: Selecting relations to be returned
Thank you for the issue. It is currently resolved in develop branch.
The parameter is _relation_type_ since we al...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


17:12 Feature #1631: Join database GIS tables
I started working on it and second Stefan's suggestion to use multiple columns for different geoms (currently: point,... Alexander Watzinger
16:52 Feature #1631 (In Progress): Join database GIS tables
Alexander Watzinger


15:21 Feature #1691 (Assigned): API: Selecting relations to be returned
Sounds like an interesting challenge and a viable suggested solution which could improve performance for presentation... Alexander Watzinger
11:34 Feature #1691 (Closed): API: Selecting relations to be returned
Often not all relations that are returned from the api are needed. When loading many entities this leads to an extrem... Andreas Olschnögger


15:05 Feature #1400: Make specific types required at data entry
To make this requested restriction not even more cumbersome than it is has to be, we should first implement adding ty... Alexander Watzinger
15:02 Feature #1581 (Assigned): Upgrade Bootstrap to 5
Because upgrading Bootstrap is a prerequisite for all new frontend features I assigned Andi and moved this from the w... Alexander Watzinger
14:59 Feature #1690 (Assigned): Forms: add types dynamically
Because this definitely exceeds my frontend develop capabilities I'm assigning this to Andi. But because it's also cl... Alexander Watzinger
14:55 Feature #1690 (Closed): Forms: add types dynamically
It may happen that user want to add possible missing types while entering data. Currently they have to go the type pa... Alexander Watzinger


15:54 Feature #1501 (Closed): Set multiple choice types to single type
It's already in *develop*, you can delete your local *feature_single_multiple* branch. Alexander Watzinger
15:53 Feature #1501: Set multiple choice types to single type
Yes, for minor changes I do translations and manual adaptions before the release in one go and you already prepared i... Alexander Watzinger
14:37 Feature #1501: Set multiple choice types to single type
I should have read the whole description. Now it should be completed. I didn't make the translations, I think they ar... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
12:52 Feature #1501: Set multiple choice types to single type
Thank you Bernhard for implementing this.
I checked the *feature_single_multiple* branch, did some refactoring and...
Alexander Watzinger


16:12 Feature #1501 (Resolved): Set multiple choice types to single type
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
13:26 Bug #1683: Broken table sorting for CIDOC columns
I tested it and made a few adaptions at places that were easy to miss (not your fault, they were buried deep inside t... Alexander Watzinger
13:09 Feature #1655 (Resolved): API: Performance improvement
I merged duplicated tickets, this was the last message of Bernhard to Andi:
@Andi: we improved the API calls. Plea...
Alexander Watzinger


14:18 Feature #1675 (Assigned): API: 0.3 stable, 0.2 deprecated
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
11:52 Bug #1683 (Closed): Broken table sorting for CIDOC columns
Andreas Olschnögger
11:52 Bug #1683: Broken table sorting for CIDOC columns
Bug is fixed and pushed on develop branch. Andreas Olschnögger


13:43 Bug #1683: Broken table sorting for CIDOC columns
Former function in openatlas/static/js/functions.js was removed after some troubles with it:... Alexander Watzinger
13:41 Bug #1683 (Closed): Broken table sorting for CIDOC columns
See: Alexander Watzinger
11:33 Question #1682: SKOS broad match
Sorry but the discussion about extending our used SKOS terms is now spawning over multiple issues, see #1674. We defi... Alexander Watzinger
11:15 Question #1682: SKOS broad match
Would this work:... Stefan Eichert
09:51 Question #1682 (Closed): SKOS broad match
Next to close and exact match, I would be very beneficial if we also implement Stefan Eichert


19:40 OpenAtlas 7.2.0 released
Main changes in this release:
* The map module was completely rewritten, known bugs were solved and there are a lot ...
Alexander Watzinger
17:23 Feature #1677 (Closed): Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
Closing this issue for the 7.2.0 but please Bernhard try to keep an eye on this, maybe Andi can test it too at some p... Alexander Watzinger
17:16 Feature #1680 (Closed): Add new connections to the network vizualisation
I added shown relations to network visualization and the Shahi network now looks much more connected.
Once 7.2.0 is ...
Alexander Watzinger


14:47 Feature #1680 (Closed): Add new connections to the network vizualisation
As noticed in the Shahi project meeting, some links are not shown in the network visualization.
Alexander Watzinger
12:10 Feature #1677: Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
*File location*
Good point, I moved it back to root.
*Version changes*
This also sounds fine, I expected this wi...
Alexander Watzinger
07:29 Feature #1677: Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
Typically, the requirements.txt is located in the root directory. Applications will not be able to find/scan it in th... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


23:00 Feature #1677: Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
This will be an ongoing task. Thank you Bernhard for providing an initial requirement.txt based on your system. I mov... Alexander Watzinger
22:54 Feature #1677 (Closed): Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
Although extensively testing and documentation is done for installing OpenAtlas on a Linux/Debian system there may be... Alexander Watzinger
21:56 Feature #1655: API: Performance improvement
You don't need to double check, it is an issue of the API. I know where the problem is, but I couldn't find a better ... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
21:46 Feature #1655: API: Performance improvement
I assume the performance bottleneck is at the API requests and not loading the presentation site after data is availa... Alexander Watzinger
17:19 Feature #1655: API: Performance improvement
It is the old problem, that the relation of the entities need a long time to calculate. I am happy for any help to ma... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
16:10 Feature #1675 (Closed): API: 0.3 stable, 0.2 deprecated
All endpoints of the versionless /api/ path are pointed to version 0.3 instead of 0.2.
Version 0.2 will be deprec...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


17:07 Feature #1501 (Assigned): Set multiple choice types to single type
Alexander Watzinger
10:00 Feature #1672 (Closed): API: External references for types in subunits endpoint
The *subunits* endpoint needed also to display external references for types. Also, a detailed view was added, so *r... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


13:09 Feature #1664: Maps - Set them to show subunits by default
Removed target version because it was an develop issue.
Thank you Nina for reporting and Andi for fixing so fast.
Alexander Watzinger
09:37 Feature #1664 (Closed): Maps - Set them to show subunits by default
I've made the sibling polygons visible by default. Changes are on the develop branch. Andreas Olschnögger


15:16 Feature #1664 (Assigned): Maps - Set them to show subunits by default
Thank you for reporting.
Assigning to Andi and put in next release 7.2.0 for now but because we are planning the nex...
Alexander Watzinger
13:19 Feature #1664 (Closed): Maps - Set them to show subunits by default
The old maps were set to show the layer with subunit polygons by default. This was highly desirable and helpful when ... Nina Richards

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