From 2022-03-07 to 2022-04-05
- 14:18 Feature #1675 (Assigned): API: 0.3 stable, 0.2 deprecated
- 11:52 Bug #1683 (Closed): Broken table sorting for CIDOC columns
- 11:52 Bug #1683: Broken table sorting for CIDOC columns
- Bug is fixed and pushed on develop branch.
- 13:43 Bug #1683: Broken table sorting for CIDOC columns
- Former function in openatlas/static/js/functions.js was removed after some troubles with it:...
- 13:41 Bug #1683 (Closed): Broken table sorting for CIDOC columns
- See:
- 11:33 Question #1682: SKOS broad match
- Sorry but the discussion about extending our used SKOS terms is now spawning over multiple issues, see #1674. We defi...
- 11:15 Question #1682: SKOS broad match
- Would this work:...
- 09:51 Question #1682 (Closed): SKOS broad match
- Next to close and exact match, I would be very beneficial if we also implement
- 19:40 OpenAtlas 7.2.0 released
- Main changes in this release:
* The map module was completely rewritten, known bugs were solved and there are a lot ... - 17:23 Feature #1677 (Closed): Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
- Closing this issue for the 7.2.0 but please Bernhard try to keep an eye on this, maybe Andi can test it too at some p...
- 17:16 Feature #1680 (Closed): Add new connections to the network vizualisation
- I added shown relations to network visualization and the Shahi network now looks much more connected.
Once 7.2.0 is ...
- 14:47 Feature #1680 (Closed): Add new connections to the network vizualisation
- As noticed in the Shahi project meeting, some links are not shown in the network visualization.
https://shahi.openat... - 12:10 Feature #1677: Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
- *File location*
Good point, I moved it back to root.
*Version changes*
This also sounds fine, I expected this wi... - 07:29 Feature #1677: Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
- Typically, the requirements.txt is located in the root directory. Applications will not be able to find/scan it in th...
- 23:00 Feature #1677: Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
- This will be an ongoing task. Thank you Bernhard for providing an initial requirement.txt based on your system. I mov...
- 22:54 Feature #1677 (Closed): Adding a requirements.txt for alternative installation
- Although extensively testing and documentation is done for installing OpenAtlas on a Linux/Debian system there may be...
- 21:56 Feature #1655: API: Performance improvement
- You don't need to double check, it is an issue of the API. I know where the problem is, but I couldn't find a better ...
- 21:46 Feature #1655: API: Performance improvement
- I assume the performance bottleneck is at the API requests and not loading the presentation site after data is availa...
- 17:19 Feature #1655: API: Performance improvement
- It is the old problem, that the relation of the entities need a long time to calculate. I am happy for any help to ma...
- 16:10 Feature #1675 (Closed): API: 0.3 stable, 0.2 deprecated
- All endpoints of the versionless /api/ path are pointed to version 0.3 instead of 0.2.
Version 0.2 will be deprec...
- 17:07 Feature #1501 (Assigned): Set multiple choice types to single type
- 10:00 Feature #1672 (Closed): API: External references for types in subunits endpoint
- The *subunits* endpoint needed also to display external references for types. Also, a detailed view was added, so *r...
- 13:09 Feature #1664: Maps - Set them to show subunits by default
- Removed target version because it was an develop issue.
Thank you Nina for reporting and Andi for fixing so fast. - 09:37 Feature #1664 (Closed): Maps - Set them to show subunits by default
- I've made the sibling polygons visible by default. Changes are on the develop branch.
- 15:16 Feature #1664 (Assigned): Maps - Set them to show subunits by default
- Thank you for reporting.
Assigning to Andi and put in next release 7.2.0 for now but because we are planning the nex... - 13:19 Feature #1664 (Closed): Maps - Set them to show subunits by default
- The old maps were set to show the layer with subunit polygons by default. This was highly desirable and helpful when ...
- 20:58 Feature #1445: Anthropological sex estimation
- Is already online on demo-dev and THANADOS
- 18:42 Feature #1445 (Closed): Anthropological sex estimation
- 18:43 Feature #1639 (Closed): Refactor
- 17:20 Feature #1628 (Closed): New maps
- Removed the draft with adding minor solved issues to the description and moving unsolved ones back to [[Notes]] for f...
- 12:32 Bug #1661: Map does not focus on chosen place
- Can confirm that it is now working as expected as you can see in the specified demo-dev links provided before (but on...
- 08:54 Bug #1661 (Closed): Map does not focus on chosen place
- Issue is fixed and already on the develop branch.
- 12:32 Bug #1662: No map overlay possible
- Can confirm that it is now working as expected as you can see in the specified demo-dev links provided before (but on...
- 09:41 Bug #1662 (Closed): No map overlay possible
- I have implemented the map overlay for the new map this feature is now in the develop branch.
- 21:51 Feature #1663 (Closed): Controlled vocabularies via Vocabs
- For the INDIGO project we want to import their vocabulary from ACDH-CH "Vocabs": into t...
- 20:16 Bug #1662 (Assigned): No map overlay possible
- Can confirm.
At the demo you can see it working at:, you have to zoom in, a... - 16:36 Bug #1662 (Closed): No map overlay possible
- With the new maps it does not seem to be possible to add images such as graveyard plots to the maps anymore. I used t...
- 20:05 Bug #1661 (Assigned): Map does not focus on chosen place
- Can confirm, I created a place *Odessa (test focus place)* and linked it with a point from GeoNames in *demo* and *de...
- 16:14 Bug #1661 (Closed): Map does not focus on chosen place
- I had a small issue while testing the new maps (tested on Demo Dev 7.2.0). I started entering a new place and set a l...
- 16:48 Feature #1660 (Acknowledged): Tool: Age estimation
- Tool for age at death estimation based on human remains. See [[Anthropological Analyses]].
Precedes #1352 so we know...
- 13:01 Feature #1655: API: Performance improvement
- Although I assigned this issue to Bernhard who is in charge of the API we can of course look at this together with An...
- 13:00 Feature #1655 (Closed): API: Performance improvement
- Loading information for the CONNEC views takes too long at the moment. This is a good opportunity to look into improv...
- 18:18 Bug #1373: Map bug when deleting polygons
- Removed this issue from the release version because there is another issue with videos that describe the problem in m...
- 16:28 Bug #1373 (Closed): Map bug when deleting polygons
- Fixed in develop branch
- 16:46 Bug #1594 (Closed): NPM warnings during install
- Fixed in develop branch with updating NPM packages
- 16:32 Feature #1581 (Acknowledged): Upgrade Bootstrap to 5
- 16:30 Feature #1151 (Closed): Map marker improvements
- 16:29 Feature #1051 (Acknowledged): Remove workaround in Leaflet GeoNames plugin
- 16:24 Bug #1588 (Closed): Map problems adding geometries after deleting geometries
- Solved in develop branch and will be part of next release.
- 16:22 Feature #1628 (In Progress): New maps
- New maps are now in develop and are a test candidate for the next release.
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