From 2024-03-30 to 2024-04-28
- 16:58 OpenAtlas Question #2260: Minting PIDs
- Since OpenAtlas itself is not public (everything with a GUI is behind a login), we disregarded the thoughts for persi...
- 10:15 OpenAtlas Question #2260 (In Progress): Minting PIDs
- I re-opened the issue because of the latest response.
I'm not sure about the latest question so I'm assigning this t... - 10:02 OpenAtlas Question #2260: Minting PIDs
- Thanks for your response.
Perhaps I can address this in another way.
Assuming I have generated PIDs for my obje... - 07:50 OpenAtlas Question #2260 (Closed): Minting PIDs
- Thank you for making us aware of this.
Although using PIDs is an importing topic, it would be more interesting/usabl... - 15:44 OpenAtlas Administration #2264 (Closed): OpenAtlas logo for dark mode
- It would be cool to have the OpenAtlas logo for dark mode (inverted and grayscale). Not only would it be then feasibl...
- 11:25 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2250 (In Progress): Dark mode logos for Approaching Byzantium and MAMEMS
- Thanks a lot Jan for providing the dark mode logos.
Assigning to Olivia to add them but Zachary and Nicholas can of ... - 11:22 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2250: Dark mode logos for Approaching Byzantium and MAMEMS
- There you go! Feel free to comment and request changes or different formats.
- 16:14 OpenAtlas Feature #2105: New file license system
- After some input from Christoph I'm afraid we have to re-open the discussion about licenses.
He made some good point... - 15:51 OpenAtlas Feature #2261: Option to prevent selection of a type
- Change of plan: instead having a switch for selectable top level types this can be switched for every type individual...
- 14:47 OpenAtlas Feature #2261 (Closed): Option to prevent selection of a type
- The idea is to implement an option which, when activated, prevents the selection of a type.
This can be useful to e.... - 10:51 OpenAtlas Question #2260 (Closed): Minting PIDs
- Hi,
I am not sure whether this feature has been brought out before but it doesn't seem to be included in the road...
- 14:46 OpenAtlas Feature #2133 (Closed): Better file stats
- In develop
- 12:55 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2163 (Closed): Documentation for Decap
- 21:46 OpenAtlas Feature #2152 (Closed): Annotations: check orphan function
- 21:46 OpenAtlas Feature #2152 (Resolved): Annotations: check orphan function
- Implemented all three options in the admin/orphans view.
- 16:11 OpenAtlas Feature #2152 (In Progress): Annotations: check orphan function
- 15:22 OpenAtlas Feature #2157 (Closed): Dates: improved autocomplete
- Thank you, I thought the same.
Feature in develop. - 14:27 OpenAtlas Feature #2157: Dates: improved autocomplete
- I would say we just do autocomplete for dates and ignore time. Time precision should not suddenly "appear" if people ...
- 14:18 OpenAtlas Feature #2157 (In Progress): Dates: improved autocomplete
- *Branch*: feature/autocomplete_dates
So far, the dates work as described in the description.
One question is, ... - 14:18 OpenAtlas Feature #2246 (Closed): Sorting of related entities in views and forms
- This is now solved in the *develop* version and will be part of the next release.
Like the update in the description... - 13:02 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2253 (Acknowledged): Displaying movement
- Thank you Nicholas for creating this issue with a lot of details and especially for providing links for the different...
- 18:26 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2253 (In Progress): Displaying movement
- I would like to illustrate various types of movement for the "Approaching Byzantium" presentation site:
1. Journeys ...
- 12:04 OpenAtlas Question #2247 (Closed): Terminology serivce using React/Typescript widgets
- Dear Mr Hsu,
thank you very much for the suggestion - we have indeed been looking into more low-threshold ways to ...
- 12:48 OpenAtlas Bug #2252 (Closed): Link to reference not working
- It was a bug in the develop versions (which THANADOS is using). It is fixed in develop and at THANADOS.
Thank you fo... - 12:32 OpenAtlas Bug #2252 (Closed): Link to reference not working
- In Thanados and development demo, the option to link to a reference is not working (500): https://demo-dev.openatlas....
- 16:44 OpenAtlas Feature #2251 (Closed): Presentation sites: change entity/id endpoint to entities/id
- It's updated in the manual and the newly compiled manual (including other changes like a new CSV example file) is in ...
- 17:42 OpenAtlas Feature #2246 (In Progress): Sorting of related entities in views and forms
- 17:03 OpenAtlas Feature #2251 (Closed): Presentation sites: change entity/id endpoint to entities/id
- Because our frontend team decided that *entities/id* would be a better URL part than *entity/id* we have to adapt/che...
- 17:01 OpenAtlas Feature #2158: Georeferencing files for multiple places (overlay)
- Thanados is updated.
- 15:34 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2250 (Closed): Dark mode logos for Approaching Byzantium and MAMEMS
- Now that we have dark mode available it would be nice to have suitable dark mode logos for it, see:
* Approaching By... - 14:18 OpenAtlas Feature #2244 (Closed): Import of place hierarchy
- 19:14 OpenAtlas Feature #2249 (Closed): API: 0.4.2
- Additions:
* added @linked_entities@ to *query* endpoint
* added new endpoint @properties@ to list all CIDCOC prope... - 12:05 OpenAtlas Feature #2248 (Closed): Refactor and minor improvements
- 17:22 OpenAtlas Feature #2248 (Closed): Refactor and minor improvements
- *Refactor*
* API code review (Alex + Bernhard)
*Minor fixes*
* Fixed redirects after removing a reference from a... - 15:50 OpenAtlas Question #2247 (Assigned): Terminology serivce using React/Typescript widgets
- Thank you for making us aware of this. I kindly asked Christoph, one of our frontend experts, to take a look at it.
- 14:09 OpenAtlas Feature #2158: Georeferencing files for multiple places (overlay)
- That is nice, thank you.
I will update Thanados next week. Because it involves a database upgrade, I need to approv... - 11:40 OpenAtlas Feature #2158: Georeferencing files for multiple places (overlay)
- Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz wrote in #note-7:
> I'm currently working on it and it looks promising.
> Since all d... - 11:07 OpenAtlas Feature #2246 (Assigned): Sorting of related entities in views and forms
- 10:43 OpenAtlas Feature #2223 (Closed): Improved forms
- 16:43 OpenAtlas Feature #2158 (Closed): Georeferencing files for multiple places (overlay)
- 15:25 OpenAtlas Feature #2158 (In Progress): Georeferencing files for multiple places (overlay)
- I'm currently working on it and it looks promising.
Since all duplicated entries will be deleted, we checked your d...
- 15:09 OpenAtlas Question #2247 (Closed): Terminology serivce using React/Typescript widgets
- Hello,
In my current project, there is an initiative (Terminology Services 4 NFDI) that creates widgets for lookup... - 14:22 OpenAtlas Feature #2127 (Acknowledged): Linking artifacts with other artifacts
- After discussing it with Alex, this "E22(Human-Made Object)":
- 14:16 OpenAtlas Feature #2230 (Assigned): Linking sources with other sources
- Thank you for reporting. This is a very interesting question. I will look into it in detail.
- 18:35 OpenAtlas Administration #2239 (Closed): Server move
- Server move went smoothly. I also managed to reduce backup size and time 20 times so that now it only takes half a mi...
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