



From 2024-04-29 to 2024-05-28


10:49 OpenAtlas Feature #2200 (Acknowledged): API: Expand LPF format
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
10:48 OpenAtlas Feature #2271 (Closed): API: 0.4.3
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
10:24 OpenAtlas Feature #2294 (Closed): API: Adapt public sharing of files
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
10:23 OpenAtlas Feature #2297 (Closed): API: Add file license links for IIIF Manifest
For the IIIF manifest, the license URL should be provided: Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


14:46 OpenAtlas Feature #2288 (Closed): Import entities to existing hierarchy
Available in the current develop branch. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


16:02 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2296: Different display of shapes on maps
Yes, it is possible for @lp@, @lpx@, @geojson@ and @geojson-v2@ with the parameter @centroid=true@. I'm sorry, it app... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
14:13 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2296 (Assigned): Different display of shapes on maps
Assigning this issue to Bernhard first with the question if the center points for shapes are already available via th... Alexander Watzinger
14:10 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2296 (Closed): Different display of shapes on maps
When viewing the maps with all places it would be better to display shapes just as center points (like in the backend... Alexander Watzinger
14:18 OpenAtlas Feature #2230 (Acknowledged): Linking sources with other sources
Alexander Watzinger
11:47 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2268 (Closed): Use the "lpx" format as default for backend requests instead of the current "lp" format.
Implemented it just now! Moritz Großfurtner


17:55 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2295 (Assigned): Show additional file information
Because it is now possible to add following information to files in the backend:
* Creator
* License holder
* Link...
Alexander Watzinger
17:02 OpenAtlas Feature #2294 (Closed): API: Adapt public sharing of files
The newest license and public sharing functionality has to be adapted in the API:
* *public* flag has to be set th...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
16:14 OpenAtlas Feature #2105 (Closed): New file license system
Alexander Watzinger
16:02 OpenAtlas Feature #2129 (Closed): Attributions for files
Attributions for files is now implemented in the **develop** branch and will be included in the next release. Alexander Watzinger
14:40 OpenAtlas Feature #2293 (Acknowledged): Dynamic type forms
As discussed in the [[Meeting_2024-05-21|meeting]], it was asked for "dynamic" type forms. E.g. certain sub options s... Alexander Watzinger
14:39 OpenAtlas Feature #2292 (Acknowledged): Ordering type in forms
As discussed in the [[Meeting_2024-05-21|meeting]], it was asked if the structure of the types in the form field is p... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
14:33 OpenAtlas Feature #2291 (Acknowledged): Structuring places
As discussed in the [[Meeting_2024-05-21|meeting]], a hierarchy for places would help a lot to structure place data, ... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
14:13 OpenAtlas Feature #2290 (Acknowledged): Include
As discussed in the [[Meeting_2024-05-21|meeting]] a connection to would help a lot with ... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
07:58 OpenAtlas Discovery Bug #2289 (Closed): don't use project.config.json for configuration which is not exposed via cms
currently, we store configuration for network graph node colors in `project.config.json` (see Stefan Probst


11:22 OpenAtlas Feature #2288 (Assigned): Import entities to existing hierarchy
Should be possible. I would use a new column, as you suggested, so it is clear what is happening. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
11:18 OpenAtlas Feature #2288 (Closed): Import entities to existing hierarchy
@Berni thanks very much for the new import feature #2244, it works like a charm and is really helpful.
Sometimes we ...
Stefan Eichert


16:48 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2250 (Closed): Dark mode logos for Approaching Byzantium and MAMEMS
Olivia Reichl
14:25 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2268: Use the "lpx" format as default for backend requests instead of the current "lp" format.
Did you change the format already? I think this is quite crucial, because some changes are only available on this for... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
14:22 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2065: IIIF viewer integration
I added to the new develop version the IIIF manifest link and the mimetype to depictions for the Linked Places format... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
13:39 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2065 (In Progress): IIIF viewer integration
Olivia Reichl
13:53 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2287 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for sources / translations
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:52 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2286 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for human remains / artifacts
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:51 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2285 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for features
Olivia Reichl
13:51 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2285 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for features
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:50 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2284 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for places
Olivia Reichl
13:50 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2284 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for places
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:49 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2283 (Acknowledged): Implement a special detail view for events
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:49 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2282 (In Progress): Implement a special detail view for groups
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:48 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2281 (In Progress): Implement a special detail view for actors
Implement a special detail view, so the important data is highlighted for the end user and better understandable. Olivia Reichl
13:40 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2194 (Closed): Designing individual sites
Olivia Reichl
13:35 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #1892 (Closed): Network visualization
Olivia Reichl


20:30 OpenAtlas Bug #2278 (Closed): Import Place Hierarchy
I fixed the bug(s). It was mostly a typing problem, that sometimes pandas decided the IDs are integers and sometimes ... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
16:54 OpenAtlas Feature #2129: Attributions for files
Basic implementation is done (in *feature/file_attribution* and *upgrade/license.sql* is needed till it gets into the... Alexander Watzinger


15:36 OpenAtlas Bug #2280 (Closed): Dynamic type add not working for single types
As Bernhard discovered today the dynamic adding of types didn't worked for single types anymore.
This is fixed in the
Alexander Watzinger
13:27 OpenAtlas Bug #2278: Import Place Hierarchy
I will look into it. The problem is, that the import use the *id* field as *type_ids* field. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
11:51 OpenAtlas Bug #2278 (Assigned): Import Place Hierarchy
Thank you for reporting and especially for adding some sample files.
I assigned it to @Berni, kindly asking him to l...
Alexander Watzinger
11:45 OpenAtlas Bug #2278 (Closed): Import Place Hierarchy
Importing the attached .csv file results in "Import Error".
Having a string as ID results in "warning-invalid type...
Lisa Aldrian


17:10 OpenAtlas Feature #2129 (In Progress): Attributions for files
Alexander Watzinger
15:41 OpenAtlas Feature #2277 (Closed): References for types
I added references for files, it's in *develop* and online at the *demo-dev*.
I manually checked most of related fun...
Alexander Watzinger
15:28 OpenAtlas Feature #2277 (Closed): References for types
I activated linking to references for types.
It is now needed for the licenses issues (so that a license can have a ...
Alexander Watzinger


14:01 OpenAtlas Question #2260: Minting PIDs
We discussed some of the questions at our [[Meeting_2024-05-08|developer meeting]].
* One take away was, that we sho...
Alexander Watzinger
13:50 OpenAtlas Feature #2243: Persistent identifiers for transformed actors/artifacts etc.
Although an interesting idea, sadly our last [[Meeting_2024-05-08|developer meeting]] brought no progress about this ... Alexander Watzinger


16:19 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2253: Displaying movement
Maybe use this endpoint: @/linked_entities_by_properties_recursive/{entityId}@
Here you can get all linked entities ...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
15:55 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2276 (Acknowledged): Relief on map
The 2.5D map is very nice, and it would be very cool, to have a relief to see mountains. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
15:54 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2275 (Acknowledged): 3D objects on map
With maplibre and a 2,5D view, it would be cool to load 3D models on the map.
For simplicity, "GLB":https://en.wi...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
14:55 OpenAtlas Administration #2264 (In Progress): OpenAtlas logo for dark mode
Thank you Jan for logos.
I attached dark OpenAtlas logos from Jan here but they also at "files" in the main menu.
Alexander Watzinger
14:18 OpenAtlas
Alexander Watzinger


16:28 OpenAtlas Feature #998: Filter for Entity Overviews
Since we are using DataTables, maybe this can be a solution: Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
15:28 OpenAtlas Feature #2273 (Closed): API: Endpoint to retrieve all available CIDOC properties
I made everything in the schema required. If other things arise, please write me directly or reopen ticket Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
12:01 OpenAtlas Feature #2273 (In Progress): API: Endpoint to retrieve all available CIDOC properties
Added @/properties/@ in last release, but the openapi definition seems to need an update, because the schema values a... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
10:21 OpenAtlas Feature #2273 (Closed): API: Endpoint to retrieve all available CIDOC properties
We need an endpoint to get all available CIDOC properties for better type safety in the frontend. Moritz Großfurtner
15:25 OpenAtlas Feature #2274 (Closed): API: Endpoint to get related entities
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
15:24 OpenAtlas Feature #2274 (Closed): API: Endpoint to get related entities
Currently, there is no endpoint to get all related entities recursively. Since it is solved in the backend for other ... Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


17:33 OpenAtlas Feature #2272 (Closed): Refactor and minor improvements
* API code review
* Changed required_group for @view_iiif@ to readonly
*Minor fixes*
* Make file ty...
Alexander Watzinger
14:24 OpenAtlas Question #2270: Image issues at Thanados OpenAtlas
Dear Sandrina, there seem to be multiple issues:
*JPG files not loading/being displayed*
It is not known what the...
Alexander Watzinger
11:33 OpenAtlas Question #2270 (In Progress): Image issues at Thanados OpenAtlas
Thank you for reporting and especially for providing screenshots, I will look into it today. Alexander Watzinger
11:25 OpenAtlas Question #2270 (Closed): Image issues at Thanados OpenAtlas
Dear team,
-today the entered JPEG-images are not visible - what could be the problem? (see attached image, scrrens...
Sandrina Schwarz
13:25 OpenAtlas Feature #2271 (Closed): API: 0.4.3
* Added new endpoint @/linked_entities_by_properties_recursive/{entityId}@ (#2274)
* Added new param...
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


17:29 OpenAtlas OpenAtlas 8.4.0 released
*News for Users*
* Option to prevent selection of a type (useful when organizing forms) (#2261)
* Georeferencing fi...
Alexander Watzinger


20:19 OpenAtlas Feature #2261 (Closed): Option to prevent selection of a type
Implemented and will be part of the next release Alexander Watzinger
20:07 OpenAtlas Feature #2269 (Closed): Updated French translations
Clément Besnier kindly updated the French user interface translations via a GitHub pull request ( Alexander Watzinger


14:26 OpenAtlas Feature #2249 (Closed): API: 0.4.2
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
14:24 OpenAtlas Feature #1980 (Closed): API: Improve LOUD
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


16:01 OpenAtlas Feature #2161: Clean up translations
In the German translation, there are 5 'Y's for the year. Maybe also change them to 'JJJJ' and 'DD' to 'TT'? Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz


16:43 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2268 (Closed): Use the "lpx" format as default for backend requests instead of the current "lp" format.
Moritz Großfurtner
16:42 OpenAtlas Discovery Feature #2267 (Closed): Add localization "Dictionary" for the different properties/relationTypes
To properly display the different relationTypes we need a way to properly label than. It would also make sense to be ... Moritz Großfurtner


17:10 OpenAtlas Feature #2261: Option to prevent selection of a type
Works good so far (in branch feature/type_not_select), remaining to do:
* Adapt type orphan functions to prevent f...
Alexander Watzinger
13:33 OpenAtlas Feature #2261: Option to prevent selection of a type
To do:
* Add table to track non selectable types in schema web
* Add functionality to set/read the flag at individu...
Alexander Watzinger
13:22 OpenAtlas Feature #2265: Import WTK multi geometries
Also added GeometryCollection. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
13:21 OpenAtlas Feature #2265 (Closed): Import WTK multi geometries
Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
12:05 OpenAtlas Feature #2265 (Closed): Import WTK multi geometries
There is a need to import multipolygons, because sometimes each bone in a grave is a single polygon. Bernhard Koschiček-Krombholz
09:08 OpenAtlas Administration #2264: OpenAtlas logo for dark mode
Sure :-) But I willl only get to it around the end of the week! Jan Belik

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